On 05/10/22 00:45, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote: > On Friday 21 October 2005 22:13, Jeff Smelser wrote: > > On Friday 21 October 2005 02:24 pm, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote: > > > but at least now you know why you should not use --deep. > > > > Why not? I use it here and I never get crashes.. One doesnt mean the other. > > > > because some apps (like, for example xine) doesn't like it, when some of their > dependencies get upgraded with a --deep world (like ffmpeg or transcode), > while themselves are not recombiled. > > xine will not crash - but some video-filters will be gone. > > It is just not wise: > App X linked against library L. > Now you do an --update --deep world. > lib L gets a new version L.1.1. > But X does not recompiled, and funny things can happen now. This reasoning is pretty much void when dealing with libraries, since there's often more than one application depending on a particular library. Example: App A and app B link agains library L. Run an 'emerge -u A' and app A, and library L gets upgraded. App B is fucked in the same way as you having run an 'emerge -deep world', since B is not recompiled but its dependency is. -- Regards, Patrick Börjesson PGP signature: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x21792A5D PGP fingerprint: 74AF D4EF 6BDE CF77 16BE 6A29 CDB8 7607 2179 2A5D