On 07:44 Wed 19 Oct , Rumen Yotov wrote: > On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 13:47 +1000, Dave Oxley wrote: > > I have just run 'emerge --update --deep --newuse world' on 2 of my > > Gentoo machines as I do every few days. This upgraded my udev from > > 068-r1 to 070. Neither machine will now boot. I've been investigating > > why on my server as it is most important that I get this machine up and > > running ASAP. > > During boot I get the following error: > > /sbin/rc: line 93: 1062 Segmentation fault /sbin/udevstart > > Then when it gets to checking root filesystem it reports /dev/sda3 is > > missing and drops me to a filesystem repair console. > > Dave. > Hi, > Don't think it's a problem with udev-0.70, running it for a day or two. > Maybe a hardware failure or try previous version (0.68), hope you have a > binary package of it if you can't emerge it again. Useful sometimes. > Boot with a LiveCD (gentoo) and re-emerge udev-0.68-rX or just install a > binary package of it. If emerge/portage isn't working unpack it at / > (root) dir, ignore warning about extra data at the end of archive. > HTH.Rumen I've had the same problem, it's been reported in b.g.o. See: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=109789 I was able to boot using a "gentoo=noudev" option. The newest best guess on the problem involves the gcc2.patch. Guess I'll try going back to earlier udev 'til it gets fixed. Bill Roberts