On 2005-08-26 01:48:36 +0200 (Fri, Aug), Holly Bostick wrote: > Idea #3: there is a way (and possibly more than one) to tail out the > einfo messages, either to a file, or to the console, but unfortunately I > don't remember what they are atm.... Oh, wait, they're listed on the Wiki: > > http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Portage_utilities_not_in_portage > > I think what you might want is portlog-info, which is in the > Informational Utilities section. ...or something dumber^H^H^H^H^Hsimpler: # --------------------------------------- #!/bin/bash COUNT=60 cd /var/log/portage || exit -1 for file in $( ls -1rt | tail -n $COUNT) do if grep $'\e' "$file" | grep -q -v -e " Applying [^ ]*.patch" -e $'\e'"\[32;01mok"$'\e'"\[34;01m" then tput bold echo ' ----------------------------------------------------' ls -l "$file" echo ' ----------------------------------------------------' tput sgr0 grep $'\e' "$file" | grep -v " Applying [^ ]*.patch" fi done # --------------------------------------- The log files are created when you set the PORT_LOGDIR in /etc/make.conf (yeah, you replace then that "cd /var/log/portage" with your - possibly different - location, or do something like eval $(grep "^PORT_LOGDIR=" /etc/make.conf)) . HTH -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by 'grep -i virus $MESSAGE' Trust me.