On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 17:37:06 -0400, Matt Randolph wrote: > Since qpkg is being phased out, I guess the equery way to do this is: > > equery -C l 2> /dev/null | grep / | while read p; do > touch --no-create $PKGDIR/$p.tbz2 > touch --no-create $PKGDIR/All/$(basename $p).tbz2 > done Probably, but I still use qpkg wherever possible. > find $PKGDIR ! -mtime +1 -exec rm "{}" \; This line is wrong, it should be > find $PKGDIR -mtime +1 -exec rm "{}" \; > Right? qpkg is a lot faster, though. Yes, by several orders of magnitude, which is why I still use it. -- Neil Bothwick God: What one human uses to persecute another.