Thank you all for answering :)
I'm getting the feeling that I should go for e17 after what I've been
seeing and reading!!! (though a few guys returned back to e16
Luke, you been using it for 3 months and never used e16. So, would you
said that I should start my experience with enlightenment wm in its
newer version and skip the learning stage in its stable version? :)
Christoph, I can't find the screenshot I saw and made me think about
moving to E, but this one is also good and has the panel (right under
the IM app) I was talking about:
My aim for the desktop look is something simple, with gentoo icons at
the bottom for shortcuts to most used apps and that stuff (calendar and
info panel)... [now I think that I may misused the word "panel"..
sorry!] I will need help to make it look like that.. and guide or howto?
A question before emerging e17: that won't replace e16, right?
So, I'll do the steps you provided me and emerge e17. I'll cross my fingers and hope it compiles.
echo "
=x11-wm/e-9999 -*
=dev-db/edb-9999 -*
=dev-libs/eet-9999 -*
=media-libs/imlib2-9999 -*
=media-libs/imlib2_loaders-9999 -*
=x11-libs/evas-9999 -*
=x11-libs/ecore-9999 -*
=media-libs/epeg-9999 -*
=media-libs/epsilon-9999 -*
=dev-libs/embryo-9999 -*
=media-libs/edje-9999 -*
=x11-libs/esmart-9999 -*
=media-libs/etox-9999 -*
=x11-libs/ewl-9999 -*
=dev-libs/engrave-9999 -*
=dev-util/e_utils-9999 -*
=x11-misc/entrance-9999 -*
=app-misc/evidence-9999 -*
=x11-misc/engage-9999 -*
=media-gfx/elicit-9999 -*
=media-gfx/entice-9999 -*
=media-video/elation-9999 -*
=media-video/envision-9999 -*
=app-misc/examine-9999 -*
=media-libs/emotion-9999 -*
=mail-client/embrace-9999 -*
=net-news/erss-9999 -*
=media-video/eclair-9999 -*
=sci-calculators/equate-9999 -*
=x11-plugins/e_modules-9999 -*
" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
emerge -v edb eet imlib2 imlib2_loaders evas ecore epeg epsilon embryo
edje esmart emotion etox ewl e engrave e_utils entrance evidence engage
elicit entice elation envision examine equate erss embrace eclair