On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 16:12:18 +0100, David Morgan wrote: > Nope, I don't think you can do it with sudo since bash uses whitespace > as a separator, so if you do sudo "echo foo >> bar", it'll look for a > single command "echo foo >> bar", which is not what you want - you want > a command echo with argument foo, and then redirect the output to bar > (the double quotes prevent bash from evaluating the whitespace or the > >>). You could do it with a shell script #!/bin/sh #Call this /usr/local/bin/suecho echo "$1" >>$2 Add /usr/local/bin/suecho to /etc/sudoers and you can do sudo suecho "media-video/xine-ui ~x86" /etc/portage/package.keywords -- Neil Bothwick Software: (n.) That which hardware manufacturers can blame for physical failures.