> OK lets think through this once more. Your original $ lpstat -h > localhost -t output although it shows your gray-deskjet as the > default destination, it does not show that the other printer is > paused. > > Try again to manually set the default printer (for all users) and see > if it picks it up: > > # lpoptions -d gray-deskjet > > May be worth re-naming ~/.lpoptions file if it exists to make sure > that only the /etc/cups/lpoptions are read by lp on each occasion. > > Then stop the pdfprt (not sure how you do this from the command line, > I use the GUI). Check that pdfprt is stopped, gray-deskjet is idle > accepting jobs and is the default printer using $ lpststat -h > localhost -t. Then try to send something to the printer using lp, > e.g. lp foo.txt. > > My guess is that for some reason your pdfprt is being picked up and > its address cups-pdf:/ is not correct? > > HTH > -- > Regards, > Mick > -- > gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list > > I already setup pdfprt to be paused. Then I checked for ~/.lpoptions as a normal user, and didn't find it. It appeared that /etc/cups/lpoptions still pointed to the old printer (neither pdfprt, nor gray-deskjet). So I tried to do: # lpoptions -d gray-deskjet lpoptions: Unknown printer or class! Then I tried 'lpoptions -h localhost -d gray-deskjet' and it worked. This changed the default printer in /etc/cups/lpoptions. However, lpstat still says it cannot connect to server, and for example enscripting a text file fails as well: $ enscript todo lpr: error - scheduler not responding! [ 1 pages * 1 copy ] sent to printer $ enscript -P gray-deskjet todo lpr: error - unable to print file: server-error-service-unavailable [ 1 pages * 1 copy ] sent to gray-deskjet $ enscript -d gray-deskjet todo lpr: error - unable to print file: server-error-service-unavailable [ 1 pages * 1 copy ] sent to gray-deskjet In fact, I just deleted pdfprt, and the situation still has not changed (ever after restarting cupsd). I just ran lpstat with strace, and I notices something that I suspected all along, it tries to connect to my old print server: connect(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(631), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EHOSTUNREACH (No route to host) I hope no-one minds if attach the whole output from strace here.