Hello Rainer, Excel automatically adjusts the formular to include the newly added line, while LibreCalc does not ... by default. However, there is a setting (Extras -> Optionen -> LibreOffice Calc -> Allgemein -> Eingabe-Einstellungen) called "Bezüge beim Einfügen von Zeilen/Spalten an deren Rändern ausdehnen", which does the trick.   HTH, s.   Samstag, 9. April 2022 17:36:   > Greetings, > are there any LibreOffice Calc experts on this list? > I have some "*.xlsx" files  which were created with Excel under Windows. > These feature a "footer" line,  which for instance  compute the sums for > various columns.   If you use Excel under Windows  and insert  a new row > before this footer line, the sum in the footer line will be updated acc- > ordingly.  Using "Calc" this line is a normal line, and inserting anoth- > er line before it does NOT adjust the row numbers in its formulas. > Googling for "libreoffice calc footer"  pointed me to clicking on "Head- > ers and Footers" in the "Insert" pulldown menu.  However, this is greyed > out.   Do I need special USE flags to activate that?   Or are ther other > methods to update the formulas in a row when another row is inserted be- > fore it? > Any help appreciated :-) > Sincerely, >   Rainer