On Fri, 2013-10-18 at 06:28 -0400, covici@ccs.covici.com wrote:
sbasurto@soft-gator.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I am running asterisk with dahdi in several Gentoo  servers, everything
> works great, but when I try to use meetme it tells me that there is no
> application I already try:
> 1. In asterisk command line:
> asterisk> module load app_meetme.so
> Unable to load module app_meetme.so
> Command 'module load app_meetme.so' failed.
> [Oct 17 18:16:37] WARNING[5038]: loader.c:423 load_dynamic_module: Error
> loading module 'app_meetme.so': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_meetme.so:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> [Oct 17 18:16:37] WARNING[5038]: loader.c:902 load_resource: Module
> 'app_meetme.so' could not be loaded.
> asterisk> 
> 2. I compile libpri,  dahdi , dahdi-tools and asterisk in that order.
> 3. Search on google for the right USE flag
> but nothing until now works, any one knows how to make the app_meetme.so
> be compiled on Gentoo?
> I post this here because I am using Gentoo, but please point me in the
> right direction if I am wrong.
Check make menuselect and make sure meetme is being compiled and make
sure dahdi is correctly installed, necessary to meetme.

Thanks for your response,

If I do:

asterisk> dahdi show status
Description                              Alarms  IRQ    bpviol CRC    Fra Codi Options  LBO
asterisk> dahdi show channels
   Chan Extension  Context         Language   MOH Interpret        Blocked    State      Description                    
pseudo            default                    default                         In Service                                
asterisk> dahdi show cadences
r1: 125,125,2000,4000
r2: 250,250,500,1000,250,250,500,4000
r3: 125,125,125,125,125,4000
r4: 1000,500,2500,5000

About check menuselect:

I am not compiling from source, when I say compiling I refer to:
# emerge -av libpr
# emerge -av dahdi dahdi-tools
# emerge -av asterisk

My USE flags are right now:
net-misc/asterisk postgres http syslog span doc srtp odbc dahdi

Kind Regards,

Sergio Basurto Juarez <sbasurto@soft-gator.com>
Soft Gator S.A de C.V.