I have KDE4. It work's perfect. Try set "Custom-cxxflags" to off, maybe this will help. From my opinion KDE and QT 4 don't like customized C/CXX Flags, such as fomit-frame-pointer and similar. Try to set correct USE flags and first of all - add DBUS to default runlevel if Your "Welcome" screen don't work - it works for me. You should also have Hald for X.org configuration.
BTW. I don't use any desktop mail client - I've chosen GroupOffice for web client with IMAP support and great tool for my work - safer because of laptop disk crashes or similar - data is stored external and it's delivered by OpenVPN with certificate nad data encryption.
Chromium as major web browser, Subversion integrated with KDE, Wicd as network configuration daemon. Also Kadu as IM, wine + winamp, OpenOffice. Not installed Compiz for now, but I have it on my plans.
Login screen works great, loading is realy fast. Only one problem with Bluetooth but i think it's device fault - device USB connector broken. Everyday working with dual-head 2 monitors - KDE 4 detects when I connect another monitor, soundcard and Xine integration into phonon works with no glitches. Other tools like SSH/SFTP integrated into konqueror works great - konqueror itself also perfect!
It's good, it's fast, it's intuitive, it's "better desktop software", it's XXI century desktop environment, not such as Gnome and funny "icons trashroom" on desktop.
Why KDE? Because i like it. Don't say that this software SUCKS, _check_Your_config_. If You have problem try to remove .kde or .kde4 folder in Your home directory and recreate profile.
At Wtorek, 29-06-2010 on 0:50 Alex Schuster wrote:
Kevin O'Gorman writes:
> As the OP, I'd like to know if anybody else has noticed how far OT this
> thread has gone?
> Somebody please give it a meaningful title, and maybe the right people
> will notice your thread....
But I think the title is just perfect! Well, not really, because, despite
my constant ranting and endless KDE4 problems, for which the only sane and
obvious solution would of course be to dump this whole crap, I would
really really hate to do so.
KDE got me addicted. I refused to use it for a long time, and had some
crazy enlightenment setup which I was happy with, until it stopped
working, and I gave KDE 3.something a try. I feared that the complexity
would make showstopping bugs happen more often, but on the other hand it
is of course nice to have an integrated system, with things like the same
file dialog for most applications. And so I got hooked. There were some
problems, but most of the time it worked well. But with time I experienced
some bitrot.
Then I got a new PC, and gave KDE4.2 a try. Many many bugs, but most of
them not really bad ones, but some nice new features instead. Like,
konqueror still crashing often, but with recovery function. Kmail crashed
even less - well, this was not hard. And I thought these little annoying
bugs would be fixed soon.
But this bugfixing progress was slower than expected. Some things never
really worked. And big showstoppers happened, just as I feared before I
began this whole KDE adventure. For example, when KDE4's password dialog
stopped working. Suddenly I had no access to the KDE wallet [*], could not
read or write e-mail, or access my shares. I realized how dependent I had
become of all this. Well, not totally, there are lots of other e-mail
clients, and I can do most things in a plain text shell, but this meant
some work, mostly because I had a hard time getting my passwords back.
On the other hand, I like my KDE setup. 8 desktops, each customized to the
activity I am doing there. Convenient shortcuts to the things I do, to the
locations I access. Geeky stuff. Nice software, like kontact. I really
really like this - if it works. When not, I think about dumping all.
Why am I writing all this? I don't know. Kevin, despite me considering
your thread as mine now, I will open a new one about specific problems.
[*] And a similar thing just happned yesterday. I wanted to go to bed, but
I had to write an important e-mail first. I started it, and after some
lines whole kontact froze. I killed it, started again, and the same
happened. I killed it, wrote an e-mail to myself, which worked. I started
the mail I had to write again, kontact froze after a little while. I
killed it, wrote the mail in knotes first, pasted it into the composing
window, added a CC, pushed the send button... kontact froze. Tried again,
same result. Then I used thunderbird.
I looked what I had emerged this day, but nothing had to do much with
kontact. I logged out and in again - and got dozends of notification
windows telling me that kwalletmanager just crashed. I'm still not sure
what had happened with kontact, I guess it wanted to access the wallet
when sending the mail, maybe also when making an automatic backup.
Whatever. I restored a backup of my .kde4 directory that I had made one
day ago, still no wallet. But with the next backup, 5 days old, I could
log in. I finally found out I had to exchange the
.kde4/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl file, and all was back to normal.
And I could finally go to bed.