Just another workaround for this problem. The ones presented in that thread didn't work for me.
I used the "open with terminal option" in konqueror to get around this emacs probelm but didn't like the fact that there was always a extra terminal window hanging around so I use dcop to hide that window.
So I configure konqueror to open files I want emacs to work with using this script :
# invokes emacs but hides the current konsole from which it was invoked.
# konsole should be killed automatically when emacs exits
# make sure that option is set in konqueror otherwise you will have a million hidden windows.
# hack to work around bug in konqueror which requires you to invoke emacs
# through a terminal when double-clicking a file
# get invoking dcop konsole session id
KONSOLE_SESSION="$(echo $KONSOLE_DCOP | cut -d\( -f 2 | cut -d, -f1)"
# hide the window
dcop $KONSOLE_SESSION konsole-mainwindow#1 setHidden true
# start emacs
emacs $1 &