Am Donnerstag, den 22.02.2007, 15:30 -0800 schrieb Grant:
> > > On one of my Gentoo systems, portage wants to re-emerge
> > > hardened-sources-2.6.16-r10 and hardened-sources-2.6.14-r7 because of
> > > (-doc%).  I'm currently using hardened-sources-2.6.18-hardened, but
> > > whenever new kernel sources are emerged, I just manually rm -rf the
> > > old sources in /usr/src.  I guess portage wants to re-emerge the old
> > > sources because it thinks they are still installed.
> > >
> > > How can I let portage know that those old sources aren't installed anymore?
> >
> > By unmerging them ?
> >
> > # emerge -Cva =hardened-sources-2.6.16-r10 =hardened-sources-2.6.14-r7
> How can I see which versions of hardened-sources portage thinks are
> currently installed?  I guess I should manually unmerge old sources as
> above instead of using rm -rf.
> - Grant

Yes, you can:

$ equery list --duplicates [<searchstring>]

In your case <searchstring> should be 'sources'. Without <searchstring>
it looks for all duplicates, installed in so-called slots.

'man equery' for more info. The tool is in the gentoolkit package.

P.S.: Hi gentoo-user! YAN - Yet Another Newbie!
Marc Joliet