
I don't think it's normal.
Maybe there is a loop in compiling.
Please check, if it's still running, if there is some piece of code that repeats continuously.

Post your emerge --info output

Lorenzo Marussi

Il giorno lun, 13/11/2006 alle 10.31 -0500, James Colby ha scritto:
All -

I am trying to emerge sys-fs/device-mapper on an older piece of
hardware (AMD Duron 800, with 512Mb of Ram).  The package has been
compiling for something like 8 hours already.  Is this normal?  It
seems like an awfully long time to me.  As a comparison, I was able to
compile the kernel in about 15 minutes.  If this isn't normal, any
ideas as to what the problem could be.  I didn't see anything on


In case it matters my make.conf looks like this:

CFLAGS="-mtune=athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
USE="-arts -ipv6 apache2 mysql pam ssl xml xml2 -gnome -gtk alsa oss
nvidia -cups mmx -ldap -kde -qt -kde nptl nptlonly"