On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 23:49 +0800, Qiangning Hong wrote:
> I am installing gentoo on a new machine with an onboard Marvel 8E8053
> Gigabit LAN controller.  However, LiveCD 2005.1 can not detect this
> controller, both sk98lin and skge don't work.  After googling, I find
> this artical http://pavuk.7gods.org/notebook.html#network and know that
> I must patch the kernel and recompile it.  But the LiveCD minimal has no
> gcc built in.  I tried patch and compile in my working laptop, and
> insmod sk98lin.ko in the livecd environment, it tells me the kernel
> versions don't match:
> "2.6.12-suspend-r6 preempt PENTIUMM gcc-3.4"
> versus
> "2.6.12-gentoo-r6 SMP perempt 586 4KSTACKS gcc-3.3"
> It seems gentoo-sources-r6 has been removed from portage currently.  How
> can I do?  Or, could anyone send me a patched sk98lin.ko which is
> insmod-able in LiveCD 2005.1 environment in private mail?  Thanks a lot!
> -- 
> Qiangning Hong
> http://www.hn.org/hongqn (RSS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/hongqn)
> Registered Linux User #396996
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Could try the *universal* install-2005.1 CD, it includes all the sources
& ebuilds. Or the Beta-LiveCD-2005.1 with a graphical installer (don't
know if it also has the sources&ebuilds - check).