Hi All, The day before yesterday compiled/booted/worked with this 'new' kernel - gentoo-sources-2.6.12-r10 (after -r9). Changelog only says it's based on and there are two fixed Bugs for AMD-64 & a forcedeth problem (i'm on 32-bits& don't have forcedeth). Went for it cause wanted to try 'vesafb-tng' (splashutils). Works OK. Think the later problems came from the vesafb-tng thing, which replaced my previous 'bootsplash' feature/theme. On first two/three runs it boots/works OK (nice work with that splash-themes). Yesterday the problems began, still while booting, errors appeared while starting 'svscan' (part of daemontools - i run tinydns&qmail) with messages about the filesystem being 'read-only' etc and as it retries to start endlessly things are doomed. Had to use Live-CD to fix the errors. Returned to -r9, disabled 'svscan' on boot - works w/o flaws, later even could start 'svscan' manually. This is just as info and eventually if somebodies have any experiences. Will try -r10 w/o starting 'svscan' & look at the, but most probably will try out 2.6.13 (in testing or when it comes out). Thank for your time. Rumen