On Sunday, 3 March 2024 19:31:30 GMT Dale wrote:
Since my last post, I did my weekly updates. During that, I log out,
switch to boot runlevel, restart anything that checkrestart says needs
it, then back to default runlevel and log back in. With the config file
change, my monitors came up just like they should. I didn't have to
adjust anything.
I guess it goes to show, one thing fixes one person's system while yet
another fixes someone else's system. Go figure. ROFL
:-) :-)
You don't need to replace openrc with systemd to use Wayland. These days I
run all my systems' desktops on Wayland and openrc. OpenRC will not interfere
with or try to replace my network settings, my cron jobs, my chronyd, syslog,
or whatever.
Pipewire is the new sound server for KDE. Take a look here in case yours
needs some tweaking:
I run on my main desktop with USE="-pulseaudio", but if you have any
applications which need pulseaudio you'll need to enable it, if you haven't
done this already.