On Wednesday, 14 June 2023 01:21:53 BST Philip Webb wrote: > My new machine has no problem with graphics using System Rescue etc > nor using 'startx' as root with Gentoo, but it refuses to start as user. > > I've had a series of errors : > > parse_vt_settings : can't open /dev/tty0 (permission denied) > > after adding my user to 'tty input' in 'group' : > > can't open virtual console 7 : permission denied Not sure if this is necessary: $ grep 'tty|input' /etc/group tty:x:5: input:x:97: > after adding 'elogind' to 'default' runlevel & starting it : > > xf86EnableIO : failed to enable I/O ports 0000-03ff > (operation not permitted) The elogind service ought to be in boot runlevel according to the wiki: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Elogind#Configuration > yes, my user is in the 'video' group & 'xorg-server' has USE="elogind" . > > In my current machine, there is a /dev/fb0 with permission 660 . > but there is no such device in the new machine. Have you followed this wiki page to configure your kernel, include the appropriate firmware for your card(s), set up INPUT_DEVICES & VIDEO_CARDS in make.conf, emerge associated x11-base/xorg-drivers and the x11-base/xorg- server packages before a reboot? https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Xorg/Guide There should be a fb0 device listed: $ ls -l /dev/fb* crw-rw---- 1 root video 29, 0 Jun 14 08:52 /dev/fb0 You'll also need to have emerged a Desktop Environment, or at least a window manager: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Window_manager Check the above wiki pages and post back with any queries and accompanying logs if things do not work as expected.