Mark Knecht wrote:

On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 3:07 PM Dale <> wrote:
> Is there some other place I should look to see if it is set correctly?
> I miss something?
I _think_ what you are looking for is tight click an app's banner, choose

More Actions -> Configure Special Application Settings

and set the window size and window position.

If you don't see those options I think you can add them using
the Add Property at the bottom left.

I hope that helps.

Good luck,

I do that for Smplayer because that is what I use to watch TV with.  It is set to open to the TV each time and full screen.  What I'm looking for is the default setting for all other programs to open too.  Even if there is a program I haven't used yet, when I do use it, I'd want it to default to my primary screen. 

I thought that when I set my main monitor to primary, that is what the primary setting was for.  Everything I open or notifications by default go to that monitor by default, unless told otherwise using the setting you mention.  As it is, nothing seems to have a default.  One time I open something it may go to the main monitor and the next time open on the second or even on what I use to watch TV with.  It's like it picks it at random. 

I forgot to mention but I also have the primary set in xorg.conf file as well.  It's just that KDE behaves like I don't have a default primary monitor set or I need to set something else in another place I can't find, maybe called something else??  I've looked everywhere I can think of in KDE settings.  What is really hard to figure, notifications when I plug something in.  It's consistently on the second monitor but that's not where I want it to be. 

I have to be missing something besides just the primary monitor setting.  I just don't know what.  Yet. 


:-)  :-)