Michael wrote:
On Thursday, 27 June 2024 23:52:25 BST Dale wrote:

It's your call which drivers you should try to get it to work with first.

Slow GUI response with the nouveau driver would indicate the kernel 
configuration/firmware loading was not 100% when you trying initially, because 
it works fine when you tried it again with Kubuntu's kernel.

People who use Nvidia prefer the nvidia driver in terms of performance, CUDA, 
etc. so you may want to stick with the nvidia driver initially.  In this case, 
walk through this guide and cross-check you followed all suggestions in there 
to configure your kernel, including disabling the nouveau driver.


I went through that guide.  I did find some drivers that needed to be enabled according to the guide.  I enabled them, recompiled and rebooted.  Nothing changed. 

If you intend to have both nouveau and nvidia drivers and switch between them, 
then you can build nouveau as a module and implement the more convoluted 
switching methods suggested in the next guide, but I suggest you leave this 
for later and not confuse the two drivers:


I wasn't intending to use both, just see if the nouveau drivers would work and perform well.  With some tweaking maybe.  They seem to work fine on the boot media.  If they did that on the install and with all my monitors connected, I'd be fine with it.  I want the monitors to work.  Nvidia would be nice given it is what I'm used to but right now, Nvidia is on my bad list.  :-D  Keep in mind, I may end up with three monitors, maybe four, connected.  Whatever driver I use needs to be up to the task.  I'd think Nvidia would be, if it ever works that is.  LOL 

Having checked your kernel against the nvidia-driver guide, installed your 
updated kernel & initramfs images you should reboot.  Use 'lspci -k' and scan 
dmesg to make sure nvidia is loaded and there were no hiccups.

You've tried not having an xorg.conf and didn't work, or at least it did not 
work reliably.  Mind you, you also tried with a xorg.conf and this didn't make 
things better.  LOL!  However, I think this was because the "Monitor" section 
was mostly empty:

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier     "Monitor0"
    VendorName     "Unknown"
    ModelName      "Unknown"
    Option         "DPMS"

Restart, if you need to, the display-manager until you eventually arrive at a 
fully loaded and functioning desktop.  nvidia-smi should reveal if the driver 
is loaded and working fully.  You can run nvidia-settings, (emerge x11-
drivers/nvidia-drivers with USE="tools") to tweak resolution and frequency for 
your monitor, which will then be stored in your config file:


I have tools enabled.  Did that long ago.  Those tools while rarely used can come in handy. 

O, while all is working as desired 'xrandr -q' will provide you with some 
useful information for your xorg.conf:

Identifier - e.g. "DisplayPort-0", or "LG Electronics W2253"

Modeline - e.g. Modeline 1920x1080_60.0  138.50  1920 1968 2000 2080  1080 
1083 1088 1111 +hsync +vsync

and you can set a preferred option in your xorg.conf; e.g.

HorizSync       15.0 - 67.0
VertRefresh     59.0 - 60.0
Modeline        "1920x1080_60.0  138.50  1920 1968 2000 2080  1080 1083 1088 
1111 +hsync +vsync"
Option "PreferredMode" "1920x1080"_60.0"

or some such.

This is the output of xrandr and nvidia-settings.

root@Gentoo-1 ~ # nvidia-settings -q all

ERROR: The control display is undefined; please run `nvidia-settings --help` for usage information.

root@Gentoo-1 ~ # xrandr -q
Can't open display
root@Gentoo-1 ~ #

At one point, the nvidia command spit out a LOT of info.  I scrolled through it and saw nothing that looked like a error.  Thing is, I can't get it back now.  The xrandr command also spit out a little info.  For some reason, after a reboot and the screen being like it was, it shows that above now.  I have DM running, logged into KDE but no plasma.  Resolution looks correct.  I think if plasma was working, it would be normal.  A 'ps aux | grep plasma' shows it is running.  There is nothing on the screen tho.  Not even one dot.  I left a Konsole window open the last time it worked.  That's how I know it is up.  Otherwise, I'd have a black screen and nothing else. 

If the above won't do it, you can capture the monitor's EDID while it is 
working - you can use nvidia-settings again:


There's a more manual way to do this too:

find /sys |grep -i edid

then copy the corresponding file to /lib/firmware/LG/W2253_edid.bin

and add it to your kernel before you recompile it:


See if the above helps you to a stable monitor, or post back with xorg.0.log 

Here's what that says. 

root@Gentoo-1 ~ # find /sys |grep -i edid
root@Gentoo-1 ~ #

Oh, next time I have logs, I'll put the info in the name of the file to distinguish it from working or not working and attach them.  That way the wrapping in emails won't mess it up.  I didn't think of that.  I was trying to go inline. 

I've also tried no xorg.conf, a tiny one for nvidia driver setting, a nvidia built one, a nvidia with info you provided added.  To be honest, it makes no real difference most of the time.  It makes me wonder if it is even reading the file. 

FedEx says that monitor will be here Tuesday.  If it works, I'll be good.  If not, I'm going to find a rock to crawl under.  ROFL  Linky.


I'm out of steam.  Having thoughts if using the new rig for target practice.  May be a good time for a break.  I got guns and lots of bullets.  Sadly, I also shoot good.  O_O  It's the benefit of living in the sticks.  LOL


:-)  :-)