On 03/11/2018 06:43, Alan Grimes wrote:
How did they make it so that 40% of ordinary zip files I try to open
with konqueror fail CRC (but work perfectly from the command line)....
It used to have nice large icon mode with previews, and nice small-icons
in normal mode... Broken too for many months now. =\
Akregator crashes all the time if I simply try to close a tab... It went
about three years without saving anything to disk when it's supposed to
buffer my RSS feeds. Now it's just crashtastic in the extreme...
Plasma in itself is not too bad. I use Plasma, but not Konqueror or Akregator. Find the applications that work best for you. Just because you use Plasma doesn't mean you need to use the rest of KDE's applications ;-)
My browser is Firefox, my email client is Thunderbird, my image viewer is eog (Eye of GNOME), etc, etc.
I think my only KDE application is my file manager, which is Dolphin.
I use plasma since it got stable (on KDEish stuff since gnome 3)...
It is getting better with each emerge.
I also dropped Konqueror as file manager, first because it was ~ for a time and the features was not that much needed as before.
And Firefox and Thunderbird is also my choice.
I usually tend to try to find QT5 based app* before other alternative but eventually I land by best working one (kdiff compared to Meld, and so on).
* even if it means using ~version