On Sat, Dec 10, 2022 at 9:35 PM Dale <
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> > <SNIP>
> > >
> > > I got a old rig I can use. I actually burned
OpenNAS, TrueNAS or
> > FreeNAS on a USB stick. I can't recall which one I
put on it tho. I
> > downloaded all three. lol If you know that one is
better than the
> > others, feel free to share. Also, I'd like to keep
using LVM if I
> > can. If nothing else, I already got the data on the
drives and won't
> > have to reformat and copy again. It took almost 100
hours to copy to
> > the new 16TB drive. Using LVM would make that easier,
and faster.
> > >
> > > I'll have to work with what I got for now but I
really like the
> > Raspberry option for its size and good options to
upgrade later. I'll
> > just make do with something else until that option is
doable. Maybe
> > it won't be to long.
> > >
> > > Dale
> > >
> > > :-) :-)
> >
> > TrueNAS Core. It's the free one. Works great. Very
stable, but it is
> > BSD, not Linux so you'll be frustrated sometimes. None
the less it
> > works very well.
> Well, I booted it and it is FreeNAS. I got it on a USB
stick tho.
> Well, I put the installer on one stick and then installed
on a second
> stick. Kinda odd but I get it. I also noticed it is BSD
based. I
> played with BSD once before. One thing I can say, it's
secure. Big time.
I'm not clear exactly but FreeNAS _BECAME_ TrueNAS Core and
(all 3 versions) are the ones being worked on.
Installing from USB is pretty standard. Installing to a USB
flash drive
is not unheard of in home NAS servers but be careful of
placement because people talk about USB sockets being
long term. I'm sure you'll figure it out, but make sure
you're using
TrueNAS Core.
> I see it uses ZFS or something. No mention of LVM. I
figured that. Oh
> well.
I see LVM as something that belongs on your machine, not
your NAS
device. Your LVM volumes will just be directories on the
NAS. You will
make your pools as large as you can afford and the NAS will
just store
your data. You don't really need to worry about that much.
stores backups from 3 different machine, but all the backup
is in a single ZFS RAID1 pool located in directories which
macth the
name of the machine that wrote them.
> If I can't hammer FreeNAS into shape, I'll try TrueNAS
next. If it
> works, that's fine too. ;-)
My input for the third time. Move to TrueNAS Core. That's
the one
that is being developed and getting support.