Возможно тема давно уже закрыта, но я какое-то время назад переписывался с разработчиком xterm и некоторые из его ответов могут заинтересовать пользователей xterm. Мне удалось получить разрешение опубликовать частную переписку в списке рассылки, и, поэтому, хоть и запоздало, но пишу это письмо. Кстати решение проблемы - определить "*keepSelection: true" в .Xdefaults. ==================================================================== 10 Dec 2007 20:41:47 Thomas Dickey wrote: just to check - normally xterm in KOI8-R locale would be using the -k8 option as well - but some users don't do that. It would confuse xterm. That was a factor in this change: Patch #226 - 2007/6/17 * amend select/paste change from [248]patch #225 by limiting it to non-UTF-8/non-KOI8-R encoding (Debian #420974). ==================================================================== Fri, 7 Dec 2007 07:43:11 Thomas Dickey wrote: On Fri, 7 Dec 2007, Peter Volkov wrote: > Actually I'm not alone with this problem. Personally I do not use xterm, > but I've reproduced the problem and trying to help people in our Russian > mailing list. And they told me that using previous version of xterm-224 > works for them... But now I've checked this by myself and I see this > problem there too... So sorry, for disinformation. Seems that this > problem does not depend on version. yes, I understood that. xterm uses 3 types of selections: primary (the default) cut buffer (a fallback, which is updated at the same time) clipboard (an alternative to primary). While you can change which types it uses, those are what are available without configuring it. The problem you're seeing is that xterm is holding the primary selection (except for the keepSelection change I mentioned) only as long as it is highlighting the data. If the highlighting goes away, it falls back to just the cut buffers. Those only store ISO-8859-1 (no cyrillic or UTF-8). Characters that do not work in that code are shown as "#". Both primary and clipboard can hold "any" characters. The selectToClipboard feature that I added lets xterm copy directly to the clipboard (which is less volatile than primary selection). The keepSelection feature tells it to continue owning the primary even when it does not highlight the selection. (Another client may acquire ownership of the primary selection of course, but xterm won't discard it). ===================================================================== On Tue, 25 Dec 2007, Peter Volkov wrote: > And "*keepSelection: true" fixes the problem, while selectToClipboard is > not. Although as I read your explanation seems that both solutions > should work. Do I miss anything? not that I see. selectToClipboard is useful for applications that expect the selection on the clipboard (some web-browsers ignore the primary selecton). HTH, -- Peter.