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From: Torsten Schmidt <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user-de] update world USE = -X
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 13:21:59 +0100	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

noch etwas, wenn ich die USE flags betrachte, wie kommt dann diese Ausgabe von
'emerge info' zustande?

USE="acl apache2 apm arts avi berkdb bitmap-fonts bzlib cdb cddb cdparanoia cdr crypt cups dvd dvdr encode f77 foomaticdb fortran gdbm gif gpm gtk2 imap imlib libg++ libwww mad maildir mikmod mpeg mysql ncurses nls noaudio nojoystick nomixer nomusic nothemes novideo oggvorbis oss pam perl php postgres postgresql ppds python quicktime quotas readline samba sasl slang ssl tcltk tcpd usb x86 xfs xmms xv zlib"

hier fehlt das in make.conf definierte (-) minus bei flags, die ich ausschließen will und
z.B. oggvobis --> was soll das, ich habe doch 'noaudio' ??

Hat jemand nen Tip?


On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 21:07:35 +0100
Torsten Schmidt <> wrote:

> Hatte den cc an die Liste vergessen.
> vollständigkeitshalber hier noch die USE flags 
> (ich möchte den Compi einfach so gut wie möglich 'abspecken'):
> USE="-X acl apache2 bzlib cdb cddb cdparanoia dvd dvdr imap \
>      maildir samba usb php postgresql ppds ssl nls sasl gdbm berkdb \
>      xfs quotas \
>      noaudio nojoystick nomixer nomusic nothemes novideo \
>      -ldap -mbox -kerberos -static -java -ant \
>      -kde -gnome -motif -opengl -qt -sdl -gtk -xterm \
>      -spell -pdflib -jpeg -tiff -png -xml -xml2 -svga -truetype"
> Torsten
> On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 20:52:26 +0100
> Torsten Schmidt <> wrote:
>  Hallo Jan,
>  hier die Ausgabe von 'emerge -uDpv --tree world' nach Anpassung der USE flags.
>  Habe vor und nach der xterm Zeile Leerzeilen eingefügt und den output nochmal als Datei angehängt.
>  Danke für deine Hilfe:
> > Calculating world dependencies /^[    ...done!
> > [ebuild     U ] app-cdr/cdrecord-prodvd-2.01_beta31 [2.01_alpha27-r1] (-uclibc) 364 kB 
> > [ebuild  NS   ] sys-kernel/gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.9-r6  -build -doc (-ultra1) 35,610 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/hotplug-20040923 [20040401] 43 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-fs/devfsd-1.3.25-r8 [1.3.25-r6] -debug (-uclibc) 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/hdparm-5.7-r1 [5.4] 37 kB 
> > [nomerge      ] net-misc/rdiff-backup-0.12.7  
> > [ebuild     U ]  net-libs/librsync-0.9.7 [0.9.6] 443 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] net-mail/ripmime- [] 147 kB 
> > [ebuild  NS   ] mail-client/squirrelmail-1.4.3a-r2  +crypt -ldap +ssl -vhosts -virus-scan 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] app-portage/ufed-0.35-r2 [0.34] 14 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]  dev-util/dialog-1.0.20040731 [0.9_beta20031002] -unicode 273 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/smartmontools-5.30 [5.26] 351 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] net-mail/tnef- [1.2.1] 1,570 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-kernel/genkernel-3.1.0a [3.0.2c] -bootsplash 2,496 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] net-print/foomatic-3.0.2 [3.0.1] 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]  net-print/foomatic-db-engine-3.0.2 [3.0.1] 279 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]   dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.15-r1 [2.6.11] -debug -ipv6* +python +readline 2,844 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]   net-print/foomatic-filters-3.0.2 [3.0.1] +cups +samba 122 kB 
> > [ebuild  N    ]    app-text/ghostscript-7.07.1-r7  -X -cjk +cups -debug -emacs -truetype 0 kB 
> > [ebuild  N    ]     media-fonts/gnu-gs-fonts-std-8.11  0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]    net-fs/samba-3.0.8 [3.0.6-r4] +acl +cups -debug -doc -kerberos -ldap -libclamav +mysql -oav* +pam* +postgres +python +quotas* +readline (-selinux) -winbind -xml* -xml2* 14,747 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]     net-print/cups-1.1.20-r5 [1.1.20-r1] -debug +pam* -slp* +ssl 0 kB 
> > [ebuild  N    ]      media-libs/tiff-3.7.0  1,215 kB 
> > [ebuild  N    ]      media-libs/jpeg-6b-r4  -debug 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]   net-misc/curl-7.12.0-r2 [7.11.0] -ipv6* -ldap +ssl 1,165 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] app-arch/zip-2.3-r4 [2.3-r2] +crypt 0 kB 
> > [nomerge      ] www-servers/tomcat-5.0.27-r4  -doc -jikes 
> > [ebuild  N    ]  dev-java/blackdown-jdk-  -doc -mozilla 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/ethtool-1.8 [1.7] 75 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] dev-php/php-4.3.9 [4.3.8] -X* +berkdb +crypt -curl -debug -doc -fdftk -firebird -flash -freetds -gd -gd-external +gdbm* -gmp -hardenedphp +imap -informix -ipv6* -java* -jpeg* -kerberos -ldap -mcal -memlimit -mssql +mysql +ncurses +nls -oci8 -odbc +pam* -pdflib* -png* +postgres -qt +readline -snmp -spell* +ssl -tiff -truetype* -xml2* -yaz 3,907 kB 
> > [ebuild  NS   ] dev-php/mod_php-4.3.9  -X +apache2 +berkdb +crypt -curl -debug -doc -fdftk -firebird -flash -freetds -gd -gd-external +gdbm -gmp -hardenedphp +imap -informix -ipv6 -java -jpeg -kerberos -ldap -mcal -memlimit -mssql +mysql +nls -oci8 -odbc +pam -pdflib -png +postgres -qt -snmp -spell +ssl -tiff -truetype -xml2 -yaz 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] net-fs/nfs-utils-1.0.6-r4 [1.0.6] +tcpd 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/vixie-cron-4.1-r4 [3.0.1-r4] -debug +pam (-selinux) 56 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/iproute2- [] -atm -minimal 229 kB 
> > [nomerge      ] mail-filter/amavisd-new-20030616_p8  -ldap -milter +mysql +postgres 
> > [ebuild     U ]  app-antivirus/clamav-0.80 [0.75.1] +crypt -debug -milter 2,616 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]   dev-libs/gmp-4.1.3 [4.1.2] -debug 2,147 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]  dev-perl/Convert-TNEF-0.17-r2  
> > [ebuild     U ]   dev-perl/MIME-tools-5.415 [5.411a-r2] 341 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]  app-arch/unarj-2.63a-r2 [2.63a-r1] 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]  dev-perl/Archive-Zip-1.14 [1.06] 107 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]  mail-filter/spamassassin-2.64  +berkdb +ssl 
> > [nomerge      ]   dev-perl/Net-DNS-0.40  
> > [ebuild     U ]    dev-perl/MIME-Base64-3.05 [3.00] 15 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] app-shells/zsh-4.2.1-r1 [4.2.0-r1] -cap -cjk -doc +maildir +ncurses -pcre -static 1,991 kB 
> > [nomerge      ] app-arch/tar-1.14  -build -debug +nls -static 
> > [ebuild     U ]  app-arch/ncompress-4.2.4-r1 [4.2.4] -build 7 kB 
> > [nomerge      ] sys-fs/xfsprogs-2.6.13  -debug +nls (-uclibc) 
> > [ebuild     U ]  sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.35-r1 [1.35] -debug -diet +nls -static 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] net-mail/courier-imap-3.0.8 [3.0.7] +berkdb -debug -fam +gdbm -ipv6* -ldap -mysql +nls +pam -postgres (-selinux) 1,673 kB 
> > [nomerge      ] mail-filter/procmail-3.22-r6  -mbox 
> > [ebuild     U ]  mail-mta/postfix-2.1.5-r1 [2.1.3] -ipv6* -ldap -mailwrapper -mbox -mysql +pam -postgres +sasl +ssl -vda 1,925 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]   dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.20 [2.1.19-r1] -authdaemond +berkdb -debug +gdbm -java -kerberos -ldap -mysql +pam -postgres +ssl -static 1,733 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] app-arch/gzip-1.3.5-r3 [1.3.5-r1] -build -debug +nls -pic -static 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] app-admin/syslog-ng-1.6.5-r1 [1.6.4] -debug -static +tcpd 387 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]  dev-libs/libol-0.3.14 [0.3.13] 336 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] net-analyzer/snort-2.2.0 [2.1.3] -flexresp +mysql +postgres (-selinux) -snortsam +ssl 2,439 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]  dev-db/mysql-4.0.22 [4.0.20-r1] +berkdb -debug -innodb +perl +readline (-selinux) +ssl -static +tcpd 14,058 kB 
> > 
> > [ebuild  N    ] x11-terms/xterm-196  -Xaw3d -debug -truetype -unicode 662 kB 
> > 
> > [ebuild  N    ]  sys-apps/utempter-  0 kB 
> > [ebuild  N    ]   app-arch/rpm2targz-9.0-r2  0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]    sys-apps/file-4.10-r1 [4.10] -build -debug +python 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]  dev-db/postgresql-7.4.6 [7.4.5] -debug -doc -java* +libg++ +nls +pam* +perl -pg-hier -pg-intdatetime -pg-vacuumdelay +python +readline +ssl +tcltk* -threads +zlib 6,705 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]   dev-lang/tk-8.4.6-r1  -threads 
> > [ebuild  N    ]    x11-base/xorg-x11-6.8.0-r3  -3dfx -3dnow +bitmap-fonts -cjk -debug -dlloader -dmx -doc -hardened -insecure-drivers -ipv6 -mmx +nls +pam -sdk -sse -static -xprint 62,508 kB 
> > [ebuild  N    ]     x11-base/opengl-update-1.8.1-r1  30 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]     media-libs/fontconfig-2.2.3 [2.2.2] 732 kB 
> > [ebuild  N    ]     x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.9-r2  -debug 0 kB 
> > [ebuild  N    ]     media-libs/libpng-1.2.7  -debug 370 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-devel/make-3.80-r1 [3.80] -build -debug +nls -static (-uclibc) 0 kB 
> > [nomerge      ] app-editors/nano-1.3.4  -build -debug -justify +ncurses +nls -nomac +slang -spell* 
> > [ebuild     U ]  sys-libs/slang-1.4.9-r1 [1.4.9] -cjk -unicode 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] sys-apps/procps-3.2.3-r1 [3.1.15] -debug 264 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] net-www/apache-2.0.52-r1 [2.0.50-r1] +berkdb -debug -doc +gdbm* -ipv6* -ldap +ssl -static -threads 6,779 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ] app-cdr/cdrtools-2.01 [2.01_alpha28-r1] 1,367 kB 
> > [nomerge      ] sys-apps/man-pages-1.67  
> > [ebuild     U ]  sys-apps/man-1.5m-r2 [1.5m-r1] -debug +nls 0 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]   sys-apps/sed-4.0.9  -bootstrap* -build -debug +nls -static 
> > [ebuild     U ]    sys-libs/glibc- [] -build -debug -erandom -hardened -makecheck -multilib +nls -nptl -pic -userlocales 15,372 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]     sys-apps/baselayout-1.9.4-r6 [1.9.4-r3] -bootstrap* -build -debug -livecd (-selinux) -static (-uclibc) 197 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]      sys-apps/util-linux-2.12-r4  +crypt -debug +nls +pam (-selinux) -static (-uclibc) 
> > [nomerge      ]       sys-apps/pam-login-3.14  -livecd +nls (-selinux) 
> > [ebuild     U ]        sys-apps/shadow-4.0.5-r2 [] -debug +nls +pam (-selinux) -skey 988 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]        sys-libs/pam-0.77-r1 [0.77] +berkdb -debug -pwdb (-selinux) 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]         sys-libs/cracklib-2.7-r10 [2.7-r8] -debug +pam (-uclibc) 0 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]     sys-devel/gcc-3.3.4-r1  -X* -bootstrap -build -debug +fortran* -gcj -hardened -multilib +nls -objc -pic -static (-uclibc) 
> > [ebuild     U ]      sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.6-r3 [1.3.6-r1] 0 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]      sys-devel/bison-1.875  -debug +nls -static 
> > [nomerge      ]       sys-devel/m4-1.4.1  -bootstrap* +nls 
> > [ebuild     U ]        sys-devel/libtool-1.5.2-r7 [1.5.2-r5] (-uclibc) 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]         sys-devel/autoconf-2.59-r5 [2.59-r4] 0 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]          dev-lang/perl-5.8.4-r1  +berkdb -debug -doc +gdbm -ithreads -perlsuid (-uclibc) 
> > [nomerge      ]           sys-devel/libperl-5.8.4-r1  +berkdb -debug +gdbm -ithreads (-uclibc) 
> > [nomerge      ]            sys-apps/portage-2.0.51-r3  -build -debug (-selinux) 
> > [nomerge      ]             sys-apps/debianutils-1.16.7-r4  -build -static 
> > [nomerge      ]              sys-apps/coreutils-5.2.1  +acl -build -debug +nls (-selinux) -static (-uclibc) 
> > [ebuild     U ]               sys-apps/acl-2.2.27 [2.2.13-r2] -debug +nls 141 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]               sys-apps/attr-2.4.19 [2.4.7-r1] -debug +nls 101 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]             dev-lang/python-2.3.4 [2.3.3-r1] -X* +berkdb -bootstrap -build -debug -doc +gdbm -ipv6* +ncurses +readline +ssl +tcltk* -ucs2 7,020 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]              dev-libs/expat-1.95.8 [1.95.7] -makecheck 310 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]              sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r1 [1.8.0-r5] +berkdb -debug 223 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]              dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7d-r2 [0.9.7d-r1] -debug -emacs (-uclibc) 0 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]              sys-libs/readline-4.3-r5 [4.3-r4] 6 kB 
> > [nomerge      ]             dev-python/python-fchksum-1.7.1  
> > [nomerge      ]              sys-libs/zlib-1.2.1-r3  -build -debug 
> > [ebuild     U ]               sys-devel/binutils- [] -bootstrap* -build -debug -multitarget +nls 10,874 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]            sys-apps/groff-1.19.1-r2 [1.18.1-r4] -X* -debug 2,567 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]          sys-apps/texinfo-4.7-r1 [4.6] -build -debug +nls -static 1,385 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]           sys-devel/gettext-0.12.1-r2 [0.12.1] -bootstrap* -emacs +nls 5,592 kB 
> > [ebuild     U ]      sys-libs/ncurses-5.4-r5 [5.4-r1] -bootstrap -build -debug -doc (-uclibc) -unicode 2,103 kB
> > 
> > 
> > On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 14:52:54 +0100
> > Jan Girlich <> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi Torsten,
> > > 
> > > kannst du mal die Ausgabe von deinem emerge posten? Ich habe Probleme 
> > > mir das gerade vorzustellen und so kann man evtl. ganz einfach schon 
> > > einige Dinge ausschliessen o.ä.
> > > 
> > > Gruß
> > > Jan
> > > 
> > 
> --
> mailing list

-- mailing list

  parent reply	other threads:[~2004-11-29 12:22 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 17+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2004-11-27 18:24 [gentoo-user-de] email wechsel Daniel Siegel
2004-11-27 18:36 ` Stefan Schweizer
2004-11-29 17:18   ` Daniel G. Siegel
2004-11-29 17:42     ` Stefan Schweizer
2004-11-27 19:15 ` [gentoo-user-de] update world USE = -X Torsten Schmidt
2004-11-27 22:28   ` Jan Kohnert
2004-11-28  9:16   ` Bernd Waibel
2004-11-28 13:46     ` Torsten Schmidt
2004-11-28 13:52       ` Jan Girlich
     [not found]         ` <>
2004-11-28 20:07           ` Torsten Schmidt
2004-11-29  7:29             ` Daniel Evers
2004-11-29 10:08               ` Torsten Schmidt
2004-11-29 11:17                 ` Torsten Schmidt
2004-11-29  8:29             ` Bernd Waibel
2004-11-29 12:21             ` Torsten Schmidt [this message]
2004-11-29 17:21               ` Bernd Waibel
2004-11-29 17:46                 ` Torsten Schmidt

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