From: Marcos Vinicius Buzo <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user-br] Samba
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:19:33 -0300 [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>
Faz um teste, fica pingando o ip do servidor durante um tempo e ve se
tem perda de pacotes, duvido muito que seja isso, mas pode ser
problema na tua rede, aconteceu uma parada estranha cmg uma vez, e,
após varias horas de investigacao, vi que era um cabo de rede fudido.
T+ ae
On 6/20/05, Mario Luiz Bernardinelli <> wrote:
> Oi Marcos,
> Bom dia. Bem, o problema agora é outro: recompilei a versao 3.0.10, mas
> não deu resultado. resolvi então instalar a versão 3.0.14a (masked) e
> tudo correu bem (na verdade, mais ou menos): o problema com diretórios
> vazios desapareceu, porém, quando eu executo comando xcopy a partir de
> uma estação WinME para copiar toda uma árvore de diretórios do servidor
> para a estação, após alguns segundos a conexão cai. A mensagem no log do
> samba é a seguinte: 'Connection reset by peer'.
> Se eu tento a cópia via Explorer, o problema também ocorre.
> Você tem alguma idéia?
> Obrigado,
> Marião
> Marcos Vinicius Buzo wrote:
> > Sim, aqui onde trabalho administro um servidor Gentoo para em média 25
> > estações rodando Windows 98 e tenho um um outro cliente rodando com 10
> > estações também. Ambos rodando samba 3.0.10, nunca tive um problema
> > parecido com o seu, muito pelo contrário, fazem 2 anos e nunca deu
> > problema.
> > Acho que isso não tem nada a ver com o Gentoo, pois inclusive no
> > servidor aqui da empresa o sistema de aruqivos é ReiserFS e também
> > estou fazendo RAID1.
> >
> > Abraços, T+
> >
> > On 6/17/05, Mario Luiz Bernardinelli <> wrote:
> >
> >>Oi Marcos,
> >>
> >>Vou compilar novamente o samba e, se não funcionar, vou fazer um
> >>emerge-webrsync, baixar a versão samba-3.0.14a.tar.gz e instalá-la
> >>(~x86, pois esta versão está MASKED).
> >>
> >>Vou tentar desabilitar o obey pam restrictions em cada uma das
> >>tentativas, conforme você sugeriu.
> >>
> >>Quanto ao testparm, foi a primeira coisa que fiz quando configurei o
> >>samba, e sempre testo o arquivo após cada alteração.
> >>
> >>Será que isto pode ser algum problema relacionado ao Gentoo? Eu
> >>particularmente acho que não, mas você já viu algum Gentoo com samba 3 e
> >>estações Win9x e Me?
> >>
> >>Muito obrigado pela ajuda.
> >>
> >>Abraços,
> >>
> >>Marião
> >>
> >>Marcos Vinicius Buzo wrote:
> >>
> >>>Cara, muito estranha essa parada que tá acontecendo ae, bom, mas vamos
> >>>lá né, acho que a primeira coisa que você deveria fazer é recompilar o
> >>>samba, outra coisa que talvez não tenha nada a ver, mas solucionou um
> >>>problema meu uma vez, foi comentar a linha Obey pam restrictions =
> >>>yes, não sei porque diabos quando ficava habilitada essa opcao os
> >>>users nao logavam heueheue, detalhe: isso só acontecia em uma
> >>>instalação 0_o.
> >>>É interessante você rodar um testparm pra ver se não tem algo "errado"
> >>>no teu smb.conf.
> >>>
> >>>Abraços,
> >>>
> >>>T+
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>On 6/17/05, Mario Luiz Bernardinelli <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Olá pessoal,
> >>>>
> >>>>Consegui mais algumas informações:
> >>>>
> >>>>Sequência de comandos executados no Windows-ME, após o login:
> >>>>C:\>F:
> >>>>F:\>deltree teste
> >>>>F:\>md teste
> >>>>F:\>dir teste
> >>>>
> >>>>Apos a execucao do comando 'dir teste' (diretório vazio), a saida do
> >>>>mesmo foi a seguinte:
> >>>>
> >>>> O volume da unidade F e SISTEMA
> >>>> Pasta de F:\teste
> >>>>. <DIR> 17/06/05 7:55 .
> >>>>.. <DIR> 17/06/05 7:55 ..Erro estendido 161
> >>>>
> >>>>e os seguintes registros foram gravados no log
> >>>>(log ativado com o comando 'smbcontrol smbd debug 7'):
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>==> log.ws1 <==
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1090)
> >>>> got message type 0x0 of len 0x47
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1091)
> >>>> Transaction 102 of length 75
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=71
> >>>> smb_com=0x81
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=0
> >>>> smb_flg2=32768
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=13697
> >>>> smt_wct=2
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 0]= 20 (0x14)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 1]= 8 (0x8)
> >>>> smb_bcc=32
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(886)
> >>>> switch message SMBsearch (pid 9067) conn 0x83347f8
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(194)
> >>>> change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(108)
> >>>> unix_convert called on file ">>>>>>>>">>>"
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(179)
> >>>> unix_convert begin: name = >>>>>>>>">>>, dirpath = , start = >>>>>>>>">>>
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(328)
> >>>> New file >>>>>>>>">>>
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/dir.c:start_dir(334)
> >>>> start_dir dir=.
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/dir.c:dptr_create(491)
> >>>> creating new dirptr 4 for path ., expect_close = 0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/reply.c:reply_search(909)
> >>>> dptr_num is 4
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:dptr_fill(511)
> >>>> fill on key 4 dirptr 0x832c5c8 now at 0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/reply.c:reply_search(980)
> >>>> SMBsearch mask=>>>>>>>>">>> path=. dtype=8 nument=1 of 20
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=83
> >>>> smb_com=0x81
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=128
> >>>> smb_flg2=32833
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=13697
> >>>> smt_wct=1
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 0]= 1 (0x1)
> >>>> smb_bcc=46
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(449)
> >>>> write_socket(22,87)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(452)
> >>>> write_socket(22,87) wrote 87
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1090)
> >>>> got message type 0x0 of len 0x39
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1091)
> >>>> Transaction 103 of length 61
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=57
> >>>> smb_com=0x81
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=0
> >>>> smb_flg2=32768
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=13825
> >>>> smt_wct=2
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 0]= 20 (0x14)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 1]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_bcc=18
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(886)
> >>>> switch message SMBsearch (pid 9067) conn 0x83347f8
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(194)
> >>>> change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(108)
> >>>> unix_convert called on file "TESTE"
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/dir.c:start_dir(334)
> >>>> start_dir dir=.
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/dir.c:dptr_create(491)
> >>>> creating new dirptr 5 for path ., expect_close = 0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/reply.c:reply_search(909)
> >>>> dptr_num is 5
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 1
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 2
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 3
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 4
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 5
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 6
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 7
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 8
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 9
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 10
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 11
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(654)
> >>>> [teste] attribs didn't match 0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 12
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 13
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 14
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 15
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 16
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 17
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 18
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 19
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 20
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 21
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 22
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 23
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(618)
> >>>> readdir on dirptr 0x833b228 now at offset 23
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/dir.c:dptr_close_internal(224)
> >>>> closing dptr key 5
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(145)
> >>>> error packet at smbd/reply.c(957) cmd=129 (SMBsearch) eclass=1 ecode=18
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=35
> >>>> smb_com=0x81
> >>>> smb_rcls=1
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=18
> >>>> smb_flg=128
> >>>> smb_flg2=32769
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=13825
> >>>> smt_wct=0
> >>>> smb_bcc=0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(449)
> >>>> write_socket(22,39)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(452)
> >>>> write_socket(22,39) wrote 39
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1090)
> >>>> got message type 0x0 of len 0x32
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1091)
> >>>> Transaction 104 of length 54
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=50
> >>>> smb_com=0x10
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=0
> >>>> smb_flg2=32768
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=13953
> >>>> smt_wct=0
> >>>> smb_bcc=15
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(886)
> >>>> switch message SMBchkpth (pid 9067) conn 0x83347f8
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(194)
> >>>> change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(108)
> >>>> unix_convert called on file "TESTE"
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/reply.c:reply_chkpth(594)
> >>>> chkpth teste mode=15
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=35
> >>>> smb_com=0x10
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=128
> >>>> smb_flg2=32769
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=13953
> >>>> smt_wct=0
> >>>> smb_bcc=0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(449)
> >>>> write_socket(22,39)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(452)
> >>>> write_socket(22,39) wrote 39
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1090)
> >>>> got message type 0x0 of len 0x5c
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1091)
> >>>> Transaction 105 of length 96
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=92
> >>>> smb_com=0x32
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=0
> >>>> smb_flg2=32769
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=14081
> >>>> smt_wct=15
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 0]= 26 (0x1A)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 1]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 2]= 10 (0xA)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 3]= 616 (0x268)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 9]= 26 (0x1A)
> >>>> smb_vwv[10]= 66 (0x42)
> >>>> smb_vwv[11]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[12]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[13]= 1 (0x1)
> >>>> smb_vwv[14]= 1 (0x1)
> >>>> smb_bcc=27
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(886)
> >>>> switch message SMBtrans2 (pid 9067) conn 0x83347f8
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(194)
> >>>> change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1359)
> >>>> call_trans2findfirst: dirtype = 22, maxentries = 1,
> >>>>close_after_first=1, close_if_end = 0 requires_resume_key = 0 level =
> >>>>0x104, max_data_bytes = 616
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(108)
> >>>> unix_convert called on file "TESTE"
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1412)
> >>>> dir=./, mask = teste
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/dir.c:start_dir(334)
> >>>> start_dir dir=./
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/dir.c:dptr_create(491)
> >>>> creating new dirptr 256 for path ./, expect_close = 1
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1442)
> >>>> dptr_num is 256, wcard = teste, attr = 22
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(968)
> >>>> get_lanman2_dir_entry found ./teste fname=teste
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1493)
> >>>> call_trans2findfirst - (2) closing dptr_num 256
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/dir.c:dptr_close_internal(224)
> >>>> closing dptr key 256
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(449)
> >>>> write_socket(22,176)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(452)
> >>>> write_socket(22,176) wrote 176
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1523)
> >>>> SMBtrans2 mask=teste directory=./ dirtype=22 numentries=1
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1090)
> >>>> got message type 0x0 of len 0x60
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1091)
> >>>> Transaction 106 of length 100
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=96
> >>>> smb_com=0x32
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=0
> >>>> smb_flg2=32769
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=14209
> >>>> smt_wct=15
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 0]= 30 (0x1E)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 1]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 2]= 10 (0xA)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 3]= 2432 (0x980)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 9]= 30 (0x1E)
> >>>> smb_vwv[10]= 66 (0x42)
> >>>> smb_vwv[11]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[12]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[13]= 1 (0x1)
> >>>> smb_vwv[14]= 1 (0x1)
> >>>> smb_bcc=31
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(886)
> >>>> switch message SMBtrans2 (pid 9067) conn 0x83347f8
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(194)
> >>>> change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1359)
> >>>> call_trans2findfirst: dirtype = 22, maxentries = 4,
> >>>>close_after_first=0, close_if_end = 0 requires_resume_key = 0 level =
> >>>>0x104, max_data_bytes = 2432
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(108)
> >>>> unix_convert called on file "TESTE/*"
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(179)
> >>>> unix_convert begin: name = teste/*, dirpath = teste, start = *
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(328)
> >>>> New file *
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1412)
> >>>> dir=teste, mask = *
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/dir.c:start_dir(334)
> >>>> start_dir dir=teste
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/dir.c:dptr_create(491)
> >>>> creating new dirptr 256 for path teste, expect_close = 1
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1442)
> >>>> dptr_num is 256, wcard = *, attr = 22
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(968)
> >>>> get_lanman2_dir_entry found teste/. fname=.
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(968)
> >>>> get_lanman2_dir_entry found teste/.. fname=..
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(449)
> >>>> write_socket(22,268)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(452)
> >>>> write_socket(22,268) wrote 268
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findfirst(1523)
> >>>> SMBtrans2 mask=* directory=teste dirtype=22 numentries=2
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1090)
> >>>> got message type 0x0 of len 0x54
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1091)
> >>>> Transaction 107 of length 88
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=84
> >>>> smb_com=0x32
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=0
> >>>> smb_flg2=32769
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=14337
> >>>> smt_wct=15
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 0]= 18 (0x12)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 1]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 2]= 8 (0x8)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 3]= 2432 (0x980)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 4]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 5]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 6]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 7]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 8]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 9]= 18 (0x12)
> >>>> smb_vwv[10]= 66 (0x42)
> >>>> smb_vwv[11]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[12]= 0 (0x0)
> >>>> smb_vwv[13]= 1 (0x1)
> >>>> smb_vwv[14]= 2 (0x2)
> >>>> smb_bcc=19
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(886)
> >>>> switch message SMBtrans2 (pid 9067) conn 0x83347f8
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(194)
> >>>> change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(145)
> >>>> error packet at smbd/trans2.c(1582) cmd=50 (SMBtrans2) eclass=1 ecode=161
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=35
> >>>> smb_com=0x32
> >>>> smb_rcls=1
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=161
> >>>> smb_flg=128
> >>>> smb_flg2=32833
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=14337
> >>>> smt_wct=0
> >>>> smb_bcc=0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(449)
> >>>> write_socket(22,39)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(452)
> >>>> write_socket(22,39) wrote 39
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1090)
> >>>> got message type 0x0 of len 0x25
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1091)
> >>>> Transaction 108 of length 41
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=37
> >>>> smb_com=0x34
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=0
> >>>> smb_flg2=32768
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=14465
> >>>> smt_wct=1
> >>>> smb_vwv[ 0]= 256 (0x100)
> >>>> smb_bcc=0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(886)
> >>>> switch message SMBfindclose (pid 9067) conn 0x83347f8
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(194)
> >>>> change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/trans2.c:reply_findclose(3943)
> >>>> reply_findclose, dptr_num = 256
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 4] smbd/dir.c:dptr_close_internal(224)
> >>>> closing dptr key 256
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 3] smbd/trans2.c:reply_findclose(3949)
> >>>> SMBfindclose dptr_num = -3
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> >>>> size=35
> >>>> smb_com=0x34
> >>>> smb_rcls=0
> >>>> smb_reh=0
> >>>> smb_err=0
> >>>> smb_flg=128
> >>>> smb_flg2=32769
> >>>> smb_tid=3
> >>>> smb_pid=4370
> >>>> smb_uid=100
> >>>> smb_mid=14465
> >>>> smt_wct=0
> >>>> smb_bcc=0
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(449)
> >>>> write_socket(22,39)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 07:58:42, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(452)
> >>>> write_socket(22,39) wrote 39
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>----------------------
> >>>>Quando ativei o log no nmbd (smbcontrol nmbd debug 7), os
> >>>>seguintes registros são gravados a cada 10 segundos durante um bom
> >>>>tempo:
> >>>>
> >>>>==> log.nmbd <==
> >>>>[2005/06/17 08:11:29, 4]
> >>>>nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(173)
> >>>> find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for ELDORADO on subnet
> >>>> found.
> >>>>[2005/06/17 08:11:29, 4] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:dump_workgroups(284)
> >>>> dump_workgroups()
> >>>> dump workgroup on subnet netmask=
> >>>> ELDORADO(1) current master browser = SATURNO
> >>>> SATURNO 400c9b0b (Samba Server 3.0.10 on Gentoo Linux)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 08:11:29, 4] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:dump_workgroups(284)
> >>>> dump_workgroups()
> >>>> dump workgroup on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET: netmask=
> >>>> ELDORADO(1) current master browser = UNKNOWN
> >>>> SATURNO 40099b0b (Samba Server 3.0.10 on Gentoo Linux)
> >>>>[2005/06/17 08:11:29, 4]
> >>>>nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(173)
> >>>> find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for ELDORADO on subnet
> >>>>UNICAST_SUBNET: found.
> >>>>[2005/06/17 08:11:29, 4]
> >>>>nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(173)
> >>>> find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for ELDORADO on subnet
> >>>>UNICAST_SUBNET: found.
> >>>>
> >>>>Se alguém puder me ajudar, por favor...
> >>>>
> >>>>Obrigado,
> >>>>
> >>>>Marião
> >>>>
> >>>>Mario Luiz Bernardinelli wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Oi Marcos,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Desculpe a demora. Deu uma olhada nos logs (messages e todos do
> >>>>>diretorio /var/log/samba) e não há nenhum registro de erro.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Eis as permissões dos diretórios, e alguns testes:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>------------------------------
> >>>>>saturno samba # cd /home/samba/
> >>>>>saturno samba # ls -l
> >>>>>total 1
> >>>>>drwxrwsr-x 2 root install 136 Jun 4 14:02 install
> >>>>>drwxrwsr-x 3 root intranet 72 Jun 11 10:51 intranet
> >>>>>drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 144 Jun 13 13:33 netlogon
> >>>>>drwxrwsr-x 23 root sistema 552 Jun 15 00:07 sistema
> >>>>>drwxrwsr-x 8 root sistema 296 Jun 11 06:34 sistema2004
> >>>>>
> >>>>>saturno samba # cd sistema
> >>>>>saturno sistema # ls -ld teste
> >>>>>drwxrwsr-x 2 eldorado sistema 48 Jun 15 00:07 teste
> >>>>>
> >>>>>saturno sistema # ls -l teste
> >>>>>total 0
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>--- Outro diretorio vazio:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>saturno sistema # ls -ld CARLOS
> >>>>>drwxrwsr-x 2 eldorado sistema 48 Jun 11 04:44 CARLOS/
> >>>>>
> >>>>>saturno sistema # ls -l CARLOS/
> >>>>>total 0
> >>>>>
> >>>>>--- Executando o dir através de uma estacao Windows ME:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>F:\>cd CARLOS
> >>>>>F:\CARLOS>dir
> >>>>>
> >>>>>O volume da unidade F e SISTEMA
> >>>>>Pasta de F:\CARLOS
> >>>>>
> >>>>>. <DIR> 11/06/05 4:44 .
> >>>>>.. <DIR> 15/06/05 0:07 ..Erro estendido 161
> >>>>>
> >>>>>F:\CARLOS>
> >>>>>------------------------------
> >>>>>
> >>>>>E o arquivo smb.conf:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>------------------------------
> >>>>>[global]
> >>>>>workgroup = ELDORADO
> >>>>>netbios name = SATURNO
> >>>>>server string = Samba Server %v on Gentoo Linux
> >>>>>admin users = @smbadmin
> >>>>>log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
> >>>>>max log size = 50
> >>>>>hosts allow = 172.16. 127.
> >>>>>security = user
> >>>>>encrypt passwords = yes
> >>>>>smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
> >>>>>unix password sync = Yes
> >>>>>pam password change = yes
> >>>>>passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
> >>>>>passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *Re*ype*new*UNIX*password* %n\n \
> >>>>>*passwd:*all*authentication*tokens*updated*successfully*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g machines -s
> >>>>>/sbin/false %u
> >>>>>
> >>>>>obey pam restrictions = yes
> >>>>>socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
> >>>>>
> >>>>>local master = yes
> >>>>>os level = 33
> >>>>>domain master = yes
> >>>>>preferred master = yes
> >>>>>
> >>>>>domain logons = yes
> >>>>>logon script = %U.bat
> >>>>>logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
> >>>>>
> >>>>>wins support = yes
> >>>>>dns proxy = no
> >>>>>
> >>>>># time offset = -180
> >>>>>
> >>>>>[profiles]
> >>>>>path = /var/lib/samba/profiles
> >>>>>read only = no
> >>>>>create mask = 0600
> >>>>>directory mask = 0700
> >>>>>nt acl support = No
> >>>>>
> >>>>>[netlogon]
> >>>>>comment = Network logon service
> >>>>>path = /home/samba/netlogon
> >>>>>read only = yes
> >>>>>browseable = no
> >>>>>write list = @smbadmin
> >>>>>read list = @sistema,@install
> >>>>>nt acl support = No
> >>>>>
> >>>>>[sistema]
> >>>>>comment = Sistemas Eldorado
> >>>>>path = /home/samba/sistema
> >>>>>valid users = @sistema
> >>>>>read list = @sistema
> >>>>>write list = @sistema
> >>>>>force group = sistema
> >>>>>read only = no
> >>>>>create mask = 0775
> >>>>>directory mask = 2775
> >>>>>
> >>>>>[sistema2004]
> >>>>>comment = Sistemas Eldorado de 2004
> >>>>>path = /home/samba/sistema2004
> >>>>>valid users = @sistema
> >>>>>read list = @sistema
> >>>>>write list = @sistema
> >>>>>force group = sistema
> >>>>>read only = no
> >>>>>create mask = 0775
> >>>>>directory mask = 2775
> >>>>>nt acl support = No
> >>>>>
> >>>>>[install]
> >>>>>comment = Repositorio de sw e drivers
> >>>>>path = /home/samba/install
> >>>>>valid users = @sistema,@install
> >>>>>read list = @sistema,@install
> >>>>>write list = @install
> >>>>>force group = install
> >>>>>read only = no
> >>>>>create mask = 0775
> >>>>>directory mask = 2775
> >>>>>nt acl support = No
> >>>>>
> >>>>>[intranet]
> >>>>>comment = Intranet Web site
> >>>>>path = /home/samba/intranet
> >>>>>valid users = @sistema,@install,@intranet
> >>>>>read list = @sistema,@install,@intranet
> >>>>>write list = @intranet
> >>>>>force group = intranet
> >>>>>read only = no
> >>>>>browseable = no
> >>>>>create mask = 0775
> >>>>>directory mask = 2775
> >>>>>nt acl support = No
> >>>>>------------------------------
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Um outro detalhe, talvez pertinente: estou usando RAID-1 (mirroring) e
> >>>>>ReiserFS. Mas acho que isto não deve ter influência, pois, como tenho
> >>>>>duas partições de swap (uma em cada HD), desabilitei uma delas,
> >>>>>formatei-a como ext3 e criei um compartilhamento no samba igual ao
> >>>>>[sistema] e o problema se repetiu.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Muito obrigado pela atenção e ajuda.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Abraços,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Marião
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Marcos Vinicius Buzo wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>Teria como você postar o teu smb.conf e as permissões dos diretórios
> >>>>>>para a gente ver se pode ter algo relacionado ? Seria interessante
> >>>>>>vocë analizar os logs para ver se encontra alguma mensagem de erro
> >>>>>>referente a isso.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Abracos, T+
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>On 6/15/05, Mario Luiz Bernardinelli <> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Oi Jerônimo,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Já fiz isso: está com as mesmas configurações do servidor antigo e tudo
> >>>>>>>funciona:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>create mask = 0775
> >>>>>>>directory mask = 2775
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>De qualquer forma, obrigado.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Marião
> >>>>>>>Jeronimo Zucco wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
> >>>>>>>>Hash: SHA1
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Dah uma olhada nas opcoes create mask e directory mask
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>- --
> >>>>>>>>Jeronimo Zucco
> >>>>>>>>LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certified
> >>>>>>>>Certificado Conectiva Linux
> >>>>>>>>Núcleo de Processamento de Dados
> >>>>>>>>Universidade de Caxias do Sul
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>"May the Source be with you." - An unknown jedi programmer.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Mario Luiz Bernardinelli wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Olá pessoal,
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Bom dia! Estou com um problema num servidor Samba e gostaria de
> >>>>>>>>>saber se
> >>>>>>>>>alguém já passou por isso:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Tenho um servidor Gentoo + Samba 3.0.10 configurado como PDC para
> >>>>>>>>>atender uma pequena rede de 15 computadores com Windows 98/Me. O
> >>>>>>>>>problema que ocorre é o seguinte:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>- Suponha que o drive F: é um compartilhamento no Samba e que, numa
> >>>>>>>>>estação de trabalho, eu abra o prompt do MSDOS e acesse este
> >>>>>>>>>compartilhamento, quando tento o comando dir num subdiretório vazio,
> >>>>>>>>>recebo o seguinte erro: 'erro estendido 161'. Exemplo:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>C:\>f:
> >>>>>>>>>F:\>dir
> >>>>>>>>>---- OK, o diretório não está vazio, então os arquivos são listados
> >>>>>>>>>-----como esperado
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>F:\>md teste
> >>>>>>>>>F:\>cd teste
> >>>>>>>>>F:\TESTE>dir
> >>>>>>>>>---- neste caso, são listados '.' e '..' e a
> >>>>>>>>>-----mensagem 'erro estendido 161' é apresentada
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Se eu tento copiar (com o xcopy) uma árvore de diretórios do disco
> >>>>>>>>>local
> >>>>>>>>>da estação para a rede, funciona, mesmo que hajam diretórios vazios.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Por outro lado, se eu tento copiar uma árvore de diretórios do
> >>>>>>>>>servidor
> >>>>>>>>>para a estação de trabalho a cópia é finalizada assim que um diretório
> >>>>>>>>>vazio é encontrado. Se eu adiciono a opção /C ao xcopy, solicitando
> >>>>>>>>>que
> >>>>>>>>>ele ignore os erros, algumas vezes funciona, outras ele acaba
> >>>>>>>>>abortando
> >>>>>>>>>quando há vários diretórios vazios.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>No entanto, se eu executo a cópia do servidor para a estação de
> >>>>>>>>>trabalho
> >>>>>>>>>utilizando o Exploder, funciona!
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Se alguém puder ajudar, agradeço desde já.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Obrigado,
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Marião
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>Alguém já passou por isso, ou tem alguma sugestão?
> >>>>>>>>>"Talk is cheap. Show me the code."
> >>>>>>>>> Linus Torvalds
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>"May the force be with you!"
> >>>>>>>>> Star Wars
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>"May the Source be with you."
> >>>>>>>>> An unknown jedi programmer.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >>>>>>>>Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>z2f7KBrCVKUaAvo1X/df3P0=
> >>>>>>>>=Kup+
> >>>>>>>>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>--
> >>>>>>>"Talk is cheap. Show me the code."
> >>>>>>> Linus Torvalds
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>"May the force be with you!"
> >>>>>>> Star Wars
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>"May the Source be with you."
> >>>>>>> An unknown jedi programmer.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>--
> >>>>>>> mailing list
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>--
> >>>>"Talk is cheap. Show me the code."
> >>>> Linus Torvalds
> >>>>
> >>>>"May the force be with you!"
> >>>> Star Wars
> >>>>
> >>>>"May the Source be with you."
> >>>> An unknown jedi programmer.
> >>>>
> >>>>--
> >>>> mailing list
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>--
> >>"Talk is cheap. Show me the code."
> >> Linus Torvalds
> >>
> >>"May the force be with you!"
> >> Star Wars
> >>
> >>"May the Source be with you."
> >> An unknown jedi programmer.
> >>
> >>--
> >> mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> "Talk is cheap. Show me the code."
> Linus Torvalds
> "May the force be with you!"
> Star Wars
> "May the Source be with you."
> An unknown jedi programmer.
> --
> mailing list
-- mailing list
next prev parent reply other threads:[~2005-06-20 15:20 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 18+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2005-06-15 10:58 [gentoo-user-br] Samba Mario Luiz Bernardinelli
2005-06-15 11:19 ` Jeronimo Zucco
2005-06-15 11:26 ` Mario Luiz Bernardinelli
2005-06-15 13:45 ` Marcos Vinicius Buzo
2005-06-16 11:07 ` Mario Luiz Bernardinelli
2005-06-17 10:32 ` Mario Luiz Bernardinelli
2005-06-17 12:54 ` Marcos Vinicius Buzo
2005-06-17 17:06 ` Mario Luiz Bernardinelli
2005-06-17 19:59 ` Marcos Vinicius Buzo
2005-06-20 11:20 ` Mario Luiz Bernardinelli
2005-06-20 9:21 ` Enderson Maia
2005-06-20 15:19 ` Marcos Vinicius Buzo [this message]
2005-06-15 11:22 ` Jeronimo Zucco
2005-06-15 11:28 ` Mario Luiz Bernardinelli
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2005-10-14 17:26 Assamita
2005-10-14 20:52 ` Marcelo
2005-10-14 20:57 ` Felipe Varga
2005-12-19 18:55 [gentoo-user-br] samba Diego Alberto Ramponi
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