comprei 2 kg. ;) Att, Raphael Bastos =============================================== Bastos Service Manutenção Industrial Ltda. Linux Reg. User: 388431 // LPI ID: LPI000214711 email:~> $ echo "vgepqnqikcBdcuvquugtxkeg0eqo0dt" | perl -pe \ 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-2)/ge' Projeto pessoal:~> =============================================== 2011/12/31 Bruno Linhares > > How are things? > > > > > Sat, 31 Dec 2011 4:35:58 > _____________________ > "They are not so common on trains nowadays, except in the West and South, > but formerly they were even more of an institution than the water cooler or > the old-fashioned winter stove." (c) GERARDO vtxhe75 > >