On Tuesday 21 June 2005 09:49 am, Grant Goodyear wrote: > As for CDs, I agree w/ cshields. On the other hand, cd and/or t-shirt > _sales_ might well be a good idea (if they're allowed; I haven't been to > one of these). I don't believe sales are allowed on the show floor. Sometimes they are, and when they are in California you have to have a special license, deal with sales tax, yadda yadda.. Mozilla Foundation got around this last year by offering items and having a "recommended donation" price sheet for those items. You can't enforce the prices on people (well, you can but if you got caught doing so it might jeopardize future invitations). I think that the show people were a bit unhappy about that situation anyway. To top it all off, it was embarrassing that some of our own devs got away with $35 firefox polo shirts for only $5. So you run the risk of losing money on the ordeal as well. Something to think of for future shows.. -C -- Corey Shields Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team and Devrel Team Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees http://www.gentoo.org/~cshields