On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 08:08 -0800, Deedra Waters wrote:
> Here's the final adjenda.
> Status updates on banking
> IRS NFP filing
> Lawyer stuff
> bylaws

All -
I will not be able to attend today due to a last minute lunchtime study
group for a *very* large (3 hr+) inferential statistics/ research
methods exam. Sorry for the late notice, but this time happened to be
the only time that the rest of my classmates could meet :/

I will try to cover all of what I was going to say at the meeting here.
I have been in and out of contact with [Redacted], but am expecting to
start hearing back from [Redacted] soon. Specifically, I am asking [Redacted] to get
the Copyright forms/ proposals done ASAP. Hopefully, [Redacted] has been in
contact w/ Deedra (Deedra, let me know if this is not the case).

I have been attempting to setup a meeting with the trademark person from
[Redacted]. They have not gotten back to me, so that is still up in
the air. Trademarks have taken top priority due to the pending IRS NFP
filing. I will keep you all updated.

Sorry for being so out of the loop lately. Between trying to wrap up my
college career, land an internship, and my other co-curricular
activities, (unfortunately) my Gentoo time has been severely crippled. I
expect to be back for a short amount of time over my winter break in
December, but I can make no concrete promises as of yet.

If someone would like to takeover as legal liason, let me know. I can
still act in this capacity, but to be honest, I will be very slow in
getting anything done.

Sorry for the late notice - I will be looking forward to the log!
