Hi all, Here is a patch for Gentoo GSoC application. When I was running Portage test (portage/pym/portage/tests/runTests) from git HEAD[1] on DragonFlyBSD, I found mkdir('/') returns EPERM which portage would not expect to get.This caused ensure_dir('/') to be failed, so that one of the tests finished with a error. (I believe ensure_dir('/') should not be failed in any case ;-) ) This patch adds a workaround for this case. I've confirmed the patched portage's "runTests" work well (give OK for all the tests) on Gentoo/Linux (~amd64), Gentoo/FreeBSD 8.0, and DragonFlyBSD 2.4.1. # I wonder if this SCM and repository is suited for the BSD Porting # project[2]. [1] git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/portage.git [2] http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2010_ideas#BSD_ports_of_Gentoo:_OpenBSD.2C_DragonFlyBSD.2C_etc. Regards, Naohiro