-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Hello all Current: First of all, I would like to give the good news of passing the Mid-Term evaluation. My mentor/s have provided me some valuable advice that I would like to incorporate in my work in the following weeks ahead. Coming to my work, as I said in my last report. I picked up where I left before week 6. Sent sent in some patches (no upstream unfortunately). This week I mainly worked with Juippis (my other mentor) on reviews of my already submitted PRs. We came across some challenges while doing, namely reproduction of a bug, the case being juippis and sam_ were able to reproduce the bug, but I couldn't due. It was most probably due to compiler-rt. I still have to send in a proper fix for that bug. Which brings us the to second topic of setting up a test environment. Juippis has an excellent guide on using lxc containers for setting up test environment. So there's that. Next: Coming weeks, priority would be setting up the test environment with Juippis guide so we don't have to face the aforementioned scenarios again. Apart I mainly want to do two things: - stick to my proposal and work on Wstrict-prototypes, and - work on bringing down the number of bug on the tracker, there's still quite a lot, and often times more keeps getting added. - Work more with mentors on code/PR reviews Till then, see yah! --- Regards, listout -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAEBCAAdFiEEPdkdbGh+YzEp7fkgsOskBwa0QqcFAmS0B2cACgkQsOskBwa0 QqdN0w//X4QDj/bFHOisH2lonR03IDSLW6o2pd53/QVmOQTnID+YTys9uGkMXO4g DITQG9dC6V0MUJm+KHGme/Avgn6un86UFUpShgG5T8VMnd4//eBl3DolI4LpDUbh s40Jw9dvoA1HnZ3KxDQZO9uioSXPs0dyrzBiw6xYPJ/z6KbbabXrdrbuDcH7mCDb klmLz7WEuatOP9InA2dXJjHk+/wzp3oK9b4QmWHWYvughB1q0x02pDgKvw09szk9 PDCYDsAdJxKpOpTOcnlgfNn973kkot/64DBTrjrUH7lsrWh7HwolQgAiysrFqhYu jA8unsXYBGG7wvo/sQ7gXo5xV0M/OYpFf560Koa3VbgaAZtb14kbUD25vvrm5aNf JL9rbvZiR6XvLLdzGF+AdqnxR36DnURd907jlhWQXk35QHAOoG36qgFvcpjwQ8X2 FlGt8pLpefZKLxHUdM2iHE6aQ0uw4QNJGNeb9EppihlUl9zRoys940t0STM+SbDI tLo4pph5O4lGlysE+zQt8hRyylXB9mugMQZoT5RZP98YeEbhKF+NW6m/IY+1P522 aFhwSXMpCinKll9qUCInbe6eTEDx/CKPj/odL1xICbYsYH6ZymMEeO2hTqa7LM6v y43bcVVnHPG/UzSTsQgUAQrZs6DWNRYg0yL/3EvGFrN9ABHsuag= =wi95 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----