Hello, I would be interested in coding a new and improved graphical front-end for portage, similar to the old Kuroo Project. The reason why I want to start from scratch is that I'm not particular inclined to use QT as a toolkit, nor would I consider CPP my language of choice. Personally, I would prefer to go with a combination of Python and wxWidgets on this project. For one thing, performance should allow to switch to Python without too much speed-loss, and I also think using Python instead of CPP could attract more non-professional, casual coders to contribute to the project. Of course the new application should support similar features as Kuroo did and improve in some areas. For example I would really like to have an easy to switch between different compiling settings. By this I mean for example adjusting distcc to your current environment on you laptop, which is something I've been looking for for some time now myself. Also it would provide an easy way for users to find out about new FEATURES settings (eg. ccache) and install and configure those if needed. As the wiki stated, I think having a graphical front-end would improve usability for newer users, while still offering advanced functionality often missed by more advanced users. -- Patrick Lerner