
This week I have done a lot of repetitive work. That is, to go through
all of the ebuild files in Gentoo Repository and to get them the
equivalent GroupId and ArtifactId in Maven Central. There are more
than 500 packages in dev-java/ and java-virtual/ category, and
sometimes one Gentoo package may correspond to more than one Maven
artifact, so it took me a lot of time to complete them. And here is my
lookup up table which covers all packages in dev-java/ and maps
"category/package:slot" into "groupId:artifactId".[1] As a result,
spark-core can make use of more than 100 Gentoo native packages now.

Besides, I have also added java-ebuilder some features. It can check
the metadata of a package and get the correct SLOT, and it can make
ebuild unpack "Maven Central distributed source files" into proper
${JAVA_SRC_DIR} now.

Next week I am going to test and add jaxb (javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api and
javax.xml.bind:jaxb-impl) and some newer version packages which are
required by spark-core, and I hope the newer version ebuild files
could be accepted by Gentoo-Java team. The prototype of the ebuild
files that are just generated by java-ebuilder are listed in [2].

Zhang Zongyu

[1] lookup table containing all packages from dev-java/
[2] a prototype overlay