Out of curiosity, can you point me to any project write up that was
probably part of the proposal? One of my last big-data projects started
out with a 3.5 petabyte repository and filtered on down to cover 10
million contiguous kilometers. We did not use Maven, and I would be
curious to see where the project is going. Now that I know about this I
will try to follow it a bit more.
Best of success!
On Jul 5 2020 10:05 AM, Zhang Zongyu wrote:
> Hello,
> This week I have done a lot of repetitive work. That is, to go
> through
> all of the ebuild files in Gentoo Repository and to get them the
> equivalent GroupId and ArtifactId in Maven Central. There are more
> than 500 packages in dev-java/ and java-virtual/ category, and
> sometimes one Gentoo package may correspond to more than one Maven
> artifact, so it took me a lot of time to complete them. And here is
> my
> lookup up table which covers all packages in dev-java/ and maps
> "category/package:slot" into "groupId:artifactId".[1] As a result,
> spark-core can make use of more than 100 Gentoo native packages now.
> Besides, I have also added java-ebuilder some features. It can check
> the metadata of a package and get the correct SLOT, and it can make
> ebuild unpack "Maven Central distributed source files" into proper
> ${JAVA_SRC_DIR} now.
> Next week I am going to test and add jaxb (javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api
> and
> javax.xml.bind:jaxb-impl) and some newer version packages which are
> required by spark-core, and I hope the newer version ebuild files
> could be accepted by Gentoo-Java team. The prototype of the ebuild
> files that are just generated by java-ebuilder are listed in [2].
> Regards,
> Zhang Zongyu
> [1] lookup table containing all packages from dev-java/
> https://github.com/6-6-6/JEbuilder/blob/master/app-portage/java-ebuilder/files/scripts/LUT/LUT
> [2] a prototype overlay
> https://github.com/6-6-6/spark-overlay/tree/master/dev-java