Thanks for the response!

I thought that a video demo would be sufficient... It seems that I should explain what things are in the video though, but I would like to leave it to the last part, when we have finished all these things and ready to showcase.  Make sure to remind me if I forgot this!

Thanks a lot!


18年5月31日(木) 午前0:50 Benda Xu <>:
Hi Pengcheng,

Pengcheng Xu <> writes:

> This week wraps up my first and second part of GSoC project, and that
> means that I'll hibernate from GSoC until end of June just as I've
> planned.  This week's report is available here:

I thought your would video a narrative intead of a silent demo.

Congratulations on your achievements!  They set a firm stage for
convienently hacking Android in the spirit of Gentoo.

Best lucks to your exams. Looking forward to your waking up on Part 3!
