Dear mentors, I just submitted my project proposal for the Google Summer of Code [1]. The projects implements the idea of Sébastien Fabbro of an automated benchmark suite for numerical libraries. I don't ensure that I won't change something in the following few houres, but everything relevant is already there. I have a request for everyone interested on this field: as you can read in my proposal, I project to benchmark numerical libraries that implement standard interfaces such as BLAS, sparse BLAS, LAPACK, BLACS, ScaLAPACK,... As they are quite a few, I'd like to receive a feedback regarding the most used interfaces and therefore the most required benchmarks. So, even if you are not directly interested on this project, you could have a look and post comments with your opinion. Think of it as a tiny survey... Following Donnie's suggestion [2], I have not yet closed a bug, which was one of the requirements. I will care of it in the next few days, and I heartily promise that I won't just work on a single bug, but I will try to continously begin with my bugfix experience within Gentoo. Best, Andrea Arteaga [1] [2]