25.09.13 04:24, Benda Xu написав(ла): > Dear Jauhien, > > Just a crazy idea. Can we have backends of Debian (dpkg/apt), Fedora > (yum/rpm), Archlinux (pacman) and FreeBSD (ports)? > > How much work is needed? If so, you know the consequence! I am too > excited to say anything.. > > Cheers, > Benda Hi Benda, generally there are two problems with integrating other distros package repos: -- problem with dependency names and different packaging strategy (one package in Gentoo can correspond to tens of packages in other distros) -- problem with binary dependencies (e.g. your package depends on the particular version of a so-lib) To address those problems is theoretically possible, but it means de facto manually integrate and maintain those package trees. I do not think it's a good idea as if you need Debian, you can use Debian. The purpose of my project was to integrate upstream not distribution specific repositories. It makes sense, as usually there is lots of packages there depending only on few packages available in Gentoo, so those deps can be maintained manually for the whole overlay. So if you know any not distribution specific package repository you need, just say me, I'll add a support for it. ) But as I've said integration of other distros' repos looks for me as a bad idea. It's better to spend the available time on adding new ebuilds for packages lacking in Gentoo then on trying to maintain a dependency hell of other distros (and it would be a hell, I guarantee you ) ). Regards, Jauhien