Hello all, first of all I'm glad to congratulate all the colleagues participating in GSoC this year. I'm working on `Framework for automated ebuild generators'[1]. My mentor is Rafael Martins. The aim of this project is to facilitate creation of ebuild-generators for 3d party software providers. As result of project framework and 3 backends should be created. At the moment I'm planning to implement backends for ELPA (elisp packages) and CTAN (btw, the one in tree is masked at the moment). What will be the third backend we'll see ). For those interested in the advance of a project there is a Kanban board [2] and of course a git-repository with code [3] (as we have a summer of code)) ). Week #1 ~~~~~~~ Status: on schedule Implemented: - package database with basic operations (syncing, generating, integrity checking, quering package descriptions) - basic ebuild-generation from simple templates - code for serving eclasses to overlay-generating code as is from a given directory Plans for the near future: - metadata generation - configuring different backends - cli for generation of ebuilds and related stuff in a given overlay [1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/project/google/gsoc2013/jauhien/17001 [2] https://trello.com/board/framework-for-automated-ebuild-generators/51ad0f829c32858e72000c5f [3] http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/g-sorcery.git;a=summary Regards, Jauhien