Hi everyone! I usually send these reports every weekend but due to problems with my email provider I've postponed this email until today. Sorry about this. Brief summary ============= The Gentoostats project aims to gather statistics about the installed packages on Gentoo systems in order to provide useful information to both users and developers. Status: on schedule. Things accomplished this week ============================= - Refactored the submission parsing code. - The server can now display basic stats for each host. - Changed the client's behaviour when it comes to reporting USE flags. Previously the client used gentoolkit's FlagAnalyzer to report 'plus', 'minus' and 'unset' USE flags for each installed package. However, some manually enabled/disabled USE flags (meaning use flags defined in package.use) could be reported as 'unset' (happens if they already exist in the profile/make.conf). Thus, I've changed the code to now directly query vardb for the 'IUSE', 'PKGUSE', and 'USE' flags of each package. With this change the server now directly receives the following information about each installed package: - Available USE flags (IUSE and IUSE defaults) - Actual package.use specification (PKGUSE) - Actual, final enabled USE flags (USE) However, this has made the client slower, since it now has to access more files. I'll probably ask this on gentoo-dev later, but if somebody would like to share his/her opinion on whether IUSE and PKGUSE should be reported by default, please do so here. Thank you! Plans for next week =================== 1. Create more statistics pages on the server. 2. Start working on an API for the server. 3. Continue working on the inclusion of gentoostats in gentoolkit. 4. Make sure that the server deployment can happen before/during the midterm evaluations. Further information =================== You can find the project repositories here: https://github.com/gg7/gentoostats https://github.com/gg7/gentoostats_server If you have any questions and/or ideas about the project please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Regards, George