On 03/29/2011 06:47 AM, Kasun Gajasinghe wrote: > > I'd like to know how the dependencies will be handled by maven based > ebuilds. Can you let me know the difference between dependencies > specified in Maven's POM file, and ebuild's dependencies? Are both > should be same? Since, Maven's POM contains the unique artifacts IDs > (with the combination of groupId, artifactId, version) which points to > a _binary_ jar, how should the developers who write _ebuilds_ specify > it? I got to know that dependencies are also ebuilds under gentoo i.e. > no binaries. > I am not sure how POM files categorize dependencies but in general there should be some kind of a mapping between the two. > I've been going through the Ralph's (nick: sera ) suggested eclass > [1]. It turned out to be very useful. (sera, I got your name from [1], > hope it's correct! :) ). Because maven offline building is the biggest > issue Gentoo is currently facing, As Petteri suggested, I've been > going through to see how other distributions handle this. I see that > both in sera's eclass and in Debian's MavenRepoSpec [2], that they > specify a variable which points to a maven local-repository location. > Ralph's eclass specified MAVEN_REPO_DIR="${T}/maven-repo/" while > Debian has REPO=/usr/share/maven-repo. Since the file-system will be > read-only for ebuilds, and ebuilds should be built offline, what's the > purpose of this? > ${T} is a temporary directory for a single ebuild so it's writable. > Further, please let me know the other issues that needs to be > addressed that you have in mind. It turned out that the project is > challenging than I thought before, and is getting exciting now! > Besides writing the needed infrastructure for building with Maven it would also be useful to convert as much as possible of our manual ebuilds to use that infrastructure so that the solution will also be field tested. I see the work happening initially in a separate overlay with the goal of main tree merging before the project is over. Petteri