On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 08:03:32 +0900 Benda Xu wrote: > Hi Andrew, > > Andrew Savchenko writes: > > >> I’ll then start the most challenge part, porting and packaging > >> Intel Tools. > > > > While Intel stuff may rightfully be a part of your project, I do not > > recommend to focus on them too much, since this is a proprietary > > software and GSoC is all about Free/Libre software. > > > >> I’m also interested to port Intel’s python distribution > > > > I've discussed this project with Intel devs on one of the > > conferences. There is nothing special about it: it is a normal > > Python linked with Intel libraries and with some math libs replaced > > with more optimized free software solutions. So everyone can do the > > same with Intel MKL without need to obtain Intel Python. They > > created this project mostly due to marketing issues, since python > > is a popular language and management want to establish Intel's > > presence in this area. > > > > If you want to pursue this task, I recommend to build on FLOSS > > solutions as described above, packaging Intel Python itself is > > quite useless. > > +1 > > With a more rubost blas/lapack framework/eclass, an optimized > scipy/numpy linked with OpenBLAS or Intel MKL will be on par if not > overtake the Intel python binaries. [OT] I made some tests with linpack (HPL) with MKL vs OpenBLAS on Gentoo-based HPC cluster at my previous job. OpenBLAS was beating MKL by 0.5 ± 0.1%. Not large, but statistically significant result. But of course MKL is not just BLAS/LAPACK... [/OT] Best regards, Andrew Savchenko