Man, this ...... page messed up my mysql stuff seriously, ok, for those who had the same problems i had or for those people who get to the importing of all your database backup and it stuffs up. here is DAVE'S guide to upgrading to MySQL 4.1

#  = commands to type
=  = comments

# mkdir -p /home/backup/mysql
# nano mysql_backup.php

= Place the code below into the mysql_backup.php and save the file =

print("mysql backup\n");
foreach (glob('/var/lib/mysql/*') as $fullname)
        $database = basename($fullname);
        $command = sprintf('mysqldump -a -B %s -c -v -Q > /home/backup/mysql/%s.sql --password=\'Our@db$IG\'', $database, $database);

        print($database . ' : ' . $command . "\n\n\n");



# nano mysql_restore.php

= Place the code below in the mysql_restore.php and save the file =


print("mysql backup\n");

$dir = '/home/backup/mysql/';
if ($fp = opendir($dir))
 while (($file = readdir($fp)) !== FALSE) {
     echo "$file\n";

     $database = basename($file);
     $command = sprintf('mysql < /home/backup/mysql/%s --password=\'Our@db$IG\'', $database);
     print($database . ' : ' . $command . "\n\n\n");

        print('cannot open path ' . $dir);



# php mysql_backup.php

= This will make individual backup's of all your databases, the reason i make it create scripts for each database
= instead of just pumping it all into 1 database, is because if there is a problem on like 486590 of a 5 million
= line file, its going to be a bitch to work with, this way it just simplifies matters

# quickpkg dev-db/mysql
# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
# emerge -C mysql
# rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/ /var/log/mysql
# emerge mysql
# etc-update
# emerge --config =mysql-4.1.14
# revdep-rebuild --soname
# php mysql_restore.php
# mysql_fix_privilege_tables --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf --user=root --password='PASSWORD'
# /etc/init.d/mysql restart

And thats it.
