Dear All,
It is solved. Problems is due to Motherboard BIOS issue. I used Gigabyte GA-MA69VM-S2, i updated its bios & could able to enable the virtualization support. PROBLEM SOLVED. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING..
On 03/03/2008, widyachacra <> wrote:
Error: HVM guest support is unavailable: is VT/AMD-V supported by your CPU and enabled in your BIOS?
I dunno, is it enabled in your BIOS? On the Intel based systems there is an option for it and after you set and save that option you need to power off the machine before it takes effect. You might find the following site useful, it was the first hit when I searched Google for the error message you provided....
* Never let a woman know that YOU are interested in her.
Love is a wish that hides in your heart, and nobody knows about it but YOU
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Pfft, the best way to have a worthwhile relationship with someone isn't to start off hiding things from them, in particular from the start. Oh and thanks for assuming we're all men and straight.