
as I remember, you can't send (forward) spam message which you receive, because it will looks like that you are spammer (antispam software also use headers of incoming message).

I've used dedicated imap folder for this purpose.
Tomáš Dobrovolný
Odesláno z mého telefonu.
Omluvte prosím mou stručnost.

"Vinícius Ferrão" <viniciusferrao@cc.if.ufrj.br> napsal(a):
Hello dudes,

The question is on the subject: can I create a address like spam@mydomain.com to send mails that I and others receive as spam to feed the Bayesian filter of SpamAssassin?

I'm running a Mail Filtering Gateway with Postfix and his friends: amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, Pyzor, Razor and DCC.

Also would be great to report to the services like Razor and Pyzor.

Thanks in advance,
Vinícius Ferrão