On Apr 9, 2012 12:49 AM, "Vinícius Ferrão" <viniciusferrao@cc.if.ufrj.br> wrote:
> Hello fellas,
> I'm considering to implement some Gentoo Servers on top of VMWare vSphere ESXi. But perhaps this is not the best option.
> I was googling about performance issues in this scenario and started to consider some OS-Level VT, like OpenVZ or Linux-vserver, or whatever else.
> So I'm here to ask some opinions about virtualization.
> My restricted set of rules (LOL):
> 1. I will not run anything else than Linux.
> 2. I don't care about GPL, BSD, Icecream, Bacon, or whatever license, since it's free, it's fine.
> 3. Don't need to be an Opensource solution.
> Thanks for any help,
I've deployed more than 20 Gentoo servers over VMware and XenServer, no performance issues.
From the top of my head, Some pointers when doing menuconfig:
* Go "tickless"
* Activate the relevant paravirtualization code; choose the hypervisor-friendly suspend instead of spinlock
* Use the paravirtualized storage driver (Vmware PV-SCSI or Xen Block FrontEnd)
* If using hardened, first configure for "virtualization", exit (and save), menuconfig again, and check the options under GrSec and PaX; there are options that will cause performance penalty when run on top of a hypervisor (see the help text)
* Do not compile *any* unnecessary drivers (e.g., wireless support, exotic devices)
* Use I/O without delay
And, deployment-wise :
* When possible, do not create more than one partition per virtual drive; instead, create 1 virtual drive per filesystem mountpoint. E.g. :
Instead of having /dev/sda{1,2,3,4} for /boot, /, /usr, and /home, respectively, create 4 virtual drives instead. The above mointpoints will then respectively map to /dev/sd{a,b,c,d}1
(The reason for the latter is because partitions get handled by the VM (slower), while accesses to virtual hard disks are handled by the hypervisor (faster)).
I don't have access to my Gentoo systems ATM, so I can't provide a more detailed guide.