
did you consider using BGP [1]? Reading your requirements seems like you're not doing this for home, that said, two business uplinks supporting BGP should be payable for a company (not THAT expensive, I went into this once, too).

OTOH, if basic A-record switching does the thing for you, I'd recomment using a very low TTL for your record (can go even down to 1 second as minimum) and install some uptime script that does exactly the check another poster already replied :)

So long,
Christian Parpart.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Gateway_Protocol

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Pandu Poluan <pandu@poluan.info> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 16:52, Pandu Poluan <pandu@poluan.info> wrote:
> Hello all, I'm in need of some suggestions.
> You see, I have 2 Internet connections with public IP addresses, let's
> say ISP A and ISP B
> Now, I want outside parties trying to connect to "target.example.com"
> by default resolves to, but if ISP A's connection goes
> down for any reason, the DNS server will instead return "".
> The nameserver itself will be located in the company, accessible from
> the world via "ns1.example.com" = or "ns2.example.com"
> = This allows the nameserver to monitor the state of
> the connections to ISP A and ISP B.
> I've been perusing pages discussing BIND, and came to the conclusion
> that BIND is incapable of doing that.
> Anyone can recommend me a DNS server that has such capability? Or how
> to implement this ability with maybe Python or (*shivers*) Perl?

To illustrate further, here's the pseudo-language logic that I want to

if ( request == target1.example.com )
 if ( state("ISP A") == "up" )
   return "target1.example.com ="
   return "target1.example.com ="

if ( request == target2.example.com )
 if ( state("ISP B") == "up" )
   return "target2.example.com ="
   return "target2.example.com ="

So, as you can see, there are actually two targets, one defaults to
ISP A (unless ISP A is down, then it 'falls back' to ISP B), and the
other defaults to ISP B (unless ISP B is down, then it 'falls back' to

FdS Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~

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