May be in ${OPTS}?
Hi everybody!
I just installed a ldap server, but no way to get the init script working,
while the daemon works perfectly:
# /usr/lib/openldap/slapd -u ldap -g ldap
runs ok, but the script don't:
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-nds/openldap/files/slapd-initd2,v 1.1
2010/04/11 15:14:48 jokey Exp $
depend() {
need net
before dbus hald avahi-daemon
provide ldap
start() {
ebegin "Starting ldap-server"
eval start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/openldap/ --
exec /usr/lib/openldap/slapd -- -u ldap -g ldap "${OPTS}"
eend $?
stop() {
ebegin "Stopping ldap-server"
start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 2 --quiet --pidfile
eend $?
could anybody tell me where the (fatal) differences lie?