Or maybe for a glsa-Check -m affected. ?

:: Baptiste Boilet
. (mobile)

On 25 mai 2011, at 21:09, Kristjan Kalder <jolinar1@gmail.com> wrote:

On 25.05.2011 21:43, Nils wrote:
When I was managing multiple servers, I would have a cron job set to eix-sync daily (the maximum frequency Gentoo recommends syncing), then once a week I would have emerge -DNpvu world   e-mailed from cron.  I would then review the e-mail and see if I wanted to upgrade.  If I didn't, I'd mask the package version and move on.

May I ask why would would sync once a day but only run emerge once a week?
To reduce network traffic for one single rsync session?

Kristjan Kalder
+372 56491771