Ronan Mullally kirjoitti: > On Mon, 21 May 2007, Ryan Gibbons wrote: > >> I believe you will still need a tree either way. >> >> I would just have the master server share it's portage tree over nfs, and then >> when you update the nodes of the cluster, just mount the nfs share, run your >> emerge system or world or whatever, and then when you are finished umount the >> nfs share. >> >> I imagine this could be done easily via scripts, complete with error checking >> for bad mounts bad emerges etc. > > That's what I figured. Okay, last question - how do I stop emerge trying > to update the compiler-less systems to include development tools like gcc? > I presume tweaking the profile is the way to do it. Is there a stock > profile that already has these excluded? > I think /etc/portage/profile/package.provided could work. Regards, Petteri