On Wednesday 25 May 2011 14:04:17 Vladimir Rusinov wrote: > On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Stéphane Guedon wrote: > > I read the apache2 doc, and I don't really know the principes of mpm. > > Worker, > > prefork... Don't understand really ! :( > > Ok, than in order to explain (or suggest books/articles) we need to know: > Do you understand basic architecture concepts of multi-process network > server? > Do you understand what fork() is? The only thing in this subject I have understood (I think, not sure... :) ) is that apache start few child processes and it's this processes that respond to requests. Yes, I am not skilled, but said it earlier, and I think of myself quite courageous to get into Linux and Apache adventure without this knowledges... :) -- Stéphane Guedon page web : http://www.22decembre.eu/ carte de visite : http://www.22decembre.eu/downloads/Stephane-Guedon.vcf clé publique gpg : http://www.22decembre.eu/downloads/Stephane-Guedon.asc