I have A problem on my gentoo server (but not my gentoo laptop, which is bizzare as they together have the same release of system basic packages !). At launching default runlevel, several services appear to be not launched whereas they are ! This concerns proftpd, mysql and console-kit (and all services dependant of course). For exemple, when launching proftpd, openrc says : * Starting ProFTPD ... * start-stop-daemon: /usr/sbin/proftpd is already running [ !! ] * ERROR: proftpd failed to start mysql : * "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid" is still present and the process is running. * Please stop it "kill 5478" maybe ? [ !! ] * ERROR: mysql failed to start I have set : rc_parallel="NO" rc_depend_strict="YES" Anyone have an idea where to start to solve the problem ? Thanks -- Stéphane Guedon page web : http://www.22decembre.eu/ carte de visite : http://www.22decembre.eu/downloads/Stephane-Guedon.vcf clé publique gpg : http://www.22decembre.eu/downloads/Stephane-Guedon.asc