On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 06:56:45 -0500 "Spahn, Daniel" wrote: > Is this project about how to configure Gentoo as a server OS, or is > it about creating a branch of Gentoo dedicated to being a server? In > either case, I have some suggestions... The former. > One of my pet peeves about emerging for a server-grade platform is > that there is no way to truly separate the build/install process that > is easy to track. I have read about the buildpkg and buildpkgonly > options, but I don't like them because they are not geared toward a > sys admin that has several machines that may need different packages > emerged. In my ideal world, the emerge function could be run with a > command switch, which would cause it to run the full emerge without > installing, then with a simple command, list all the built packages > that need to be 'installed'--- much like etc-update. Before I bring > up any more suggestions, I would like to know more about the > gentoo-server project's angle. Can someone point me in the right > direction? First pointer I would give is not to hijack threads, start a new one.